Armchair Empire
Review by Tolen Dante with score [8.8/10].
Reviewed by James Stevenson [Grade: A]. "What makes Pikmin so fun is that you are seeing the world from new eyes, and exploring large beautiful environments." Includes screen shots.
GameCube Europe
Review [9.2/10]. "Its length is a slightly worrying factor but is not that bad, after all its quality not quantity and this game is quality in leaps and bounds." Includes screen shots.
Review [5/5]. "Every minute that you play, you constantly feel as if yore discovering something new and different, and the gams puzzles feel very organic, intelligent, and open-ended, forcing you to think and rethink your strategy as you make new realizations about your place in the world." Screen shots and cheat codes.
Reviewed by Ricardo Torres [8.9/10]. Includes information, news, previews, screenshots, movies, and links.
Review, by Enid Burns: "With wide appeal, Miyamoto does it again bringing a captivating and original concept to a brand new console system." [Score: 92 out of 100]
Gaming Age
Reviewed by Craig Majaski [Grade: A]. "From the moment you turn the game on yoll be instantly captivated." Includes screen shots.
Reviewed by Fran Mirabella [9.1/10]. "One of the most refreshing games to come out of Nintendo in a while...It's a great adventure indeed, but when the 30 days are over and the last level is complete you find yourself feeling somewhat slighted."
Into Liquid Sky
Review [A-]. "The only other problem I found with the game was the challenge that the in-game camera presents. Often, you will find yourself using the camera buttons a lot to move the camera so you can see everything in the environment." Includes screen shots.
Reviewed by Martin Mathers [90%]. "Despite the fact that the gameplay is quite deep and requires a fair amount of thought to do well at, the actual game itself is incredibly easy to pick up." Includes screen shots.