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Cloudchaser Sony
"DMC's lightning fast gameplay presents an experience that will make you play until your thumbs bleed." Written by Mike Di Natale.
"Where sound does suffer is in the audio levels. There are times where dialog gets so drowned out by both the music and the sound effects you can't understand a single word a character's saying." Reviewed by Miguel Concepcion with screen shots.
Game Revolution
"With anti-aliased backgrounds (nerdspeak for smooth and seamless), cool shadows and weapon lighting effects, it puts last year's PS2 games to shame." Review by Zombie Duke.
"An intense action/adventure game where technique is king and the challenge level is high. Throw in fantastic graphics and intuitive controls, and you've got one of this year's strongest PS2 titles." Review by Major Mike.
"Perhaps for the first time in the 3D action genre, Devil May Cry has successfully captured the twitch-based, relentlessly free-flowing gameplay style of so many classic 2D action games." Reviewed by Shahed Ahmed.
"If a 10-inch thick blade rammed through his heart has no effect on him, why should Sin Scissors' demon weapons affect him?" Reviewed by Mike David.
GameZone.com - PlayStation 2 Game Reviews - Devil
"Devil May Cry will have you asking yourself, 'Could this game be more perfect?' And you'll quickly respond, 'No, it couldn't.'" Reviewed by Louis Bedigian with screen shots.
Gaming Age
"Incredible amounts of detail and animation fill Devil May Cry, and even some of the simplest effects (such as the humble lens flare) are put to jaw-dropping use. The frame rate is constant and solid 60 fps, with almost non-existent slowdown." Review by Chris Cruz.
"A pure work of art, a stylish, heart-pumping, tour de force of action and pure arcade gameplay that gets better, deeper, and harder as the game progresses. It's an absolute must-have for the system." Review by Doug Perry with screen shots.
Maxim Online
"You don't just kill creatures, you make them into abstract art by slicing, dicing, or machine gunning 'em to bits." Reviewed by Ryan Boyce.
"The fastest, sexiest, loudest, and, like all things spawned from the bowels of hell, intensely addictive assault on your senses to hit the PS2 thus far." Review by Russell Garbutt.
PSX Nation
"The best action adventure game on the planet." Reviewed by Brian Shroom Gray with screen shots.
The Electric Playground
"Above all else, this game is spooky, stylish and most importantly, fun from beginning to end."
"A groundbreaking title that takes the genre in a new and exciting direction. Capcom has once again managed to breathe life into a genre that had been stuck in something of a rut of late." Review by Simon Cann.