"Overall this is an entertaining platformer that doesn't feel like it was rushed out the door in the hopes of making some quick cash." Review by Carlos McElfish with overall rating [72%] and screen shots.
"A good game and an excellent re-creation of a cherished cartoon." Review by Frank Provo with score [7.3] and screen shots.
"Although the graphics aren't mind blowing in the conventional sense, the game benefits from the fact that the graphics accurately represent the TV show's cartoon nature." Review by Gabe Abarcar with screen shots and score [65].
Review of GameCube version by Kevin Murphy. Score: 67 out of 100.
"You can tell that Renderware and THQ really put some time into making this a good, solid, fun game." Review by Tha Wiz with screen shots and overall score [7.8].
"Scooby-Doo is many things, but it's definitely not a hard-core Tekken fan's idea of fun." Review by Douglass C. Perry with score [6.7] and screen shots.
Maxim Online
"Getting to the bottom of this game's mystery is about as brainless as the show". Review by Ryan Boyce with score [4/5].
PSX Nation
"Best Scooby-Doo game ever made,and priced low-enough to be a tempting impulse buy even for people who don'tthink too highly of the show (myself included)." Review by J.M. Vargas with score [7] and screen shots.
The Electric Playground
"This isn't a game that requires much brainpower, and in that it's much like its cartoon inspiration."
Total Video Games
"Arguably only Scooby fans will gain the satisfaction needed to enjoy it to its highest potential, however give it a try, as an old-school platfomer it ain't too bad." Review by Chris Leyton.