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Reviews and Previews
ActiveWindows Review, Adrenaline Vault, Bringing Indy to N64, Eurogamer.net, GameSpot, GameSpy, pc.ign.com, Quandary Review, WomenGamers.Com
Cheats, codes, and hints for the demo.
eLook Gameboy Color
Quick summary of codes and cheats.
Indiana Jones and The Infernal Machine
LucasArts official site. Includes hints, tips, demo, patch, and information about the creators.
General game information, screen shots, cheat codes, forums, and links to demo and gamepatch downloads, walkthroughs and related sites.
Offers screen shots, a discussion board and links to reviews.
Sinjin's Ultimate Online Adventurer's Gu
Detailed walkthrough with over 500 screenshots, cheat codes, beginner's introduction, tips and all treasure locations.
The Spoiler Center
Cheat codes and complete walkthrough by Dusha.
Description, screenshots, walkthrough and cheats.