Blood Red Roses, Cemetery Gates, Curious Pastimes, Midgard, Nemesis, Shadow Realms, Skullduggery Live Action Roleplay
A Song of Steel
Includes in-character area with bulletin boards, story line and downtime interactions. Out of character area includes newsletters, downloadable rules, photo gallery, links page. User can subscribe to relevant mailing lists. [UK]
Between the Worlds
Includes newsletters, history, rulebook and links. [UK]
Includes contacts, FAQ, links page, photo gallery. Also has a listing of items for sale by the club. [Derbyshire, UK]
Dumnonni Chronicles
Event and contact information, photo gallery, current projects, downloads, and a forum for discussion. [Devon, United Kingdom]
Durham University Treasure Trap Society
FAQ, rules of play, calendar, photo gallery, links, and contacts. [Durham, UK]
Includes links, photo gallery, contacts. [UK]
Forever's Destiny
Based in the UK. Background information, event explanation and schedule, and a gallery of photos.
Hero Quest
Staged events with costumes and masks provided. Photo gallery and event information. [United Kingdom]
Leviathan LRP
Information about the group as well as future events. [Cornwall, UK]
Resource for groups in the midlands UK, mostly it is for Fools and Heroes at the moment.
Shadow Realms Cardiff
Event information, including a booking form, about the group, current plot lines, and links to other branches.[South Wales, UK]
National UK society. Runs games once a month set in several worlds linked together by portals, allowing a variety of characters to be played. Includes replica black powder weapons.
The FreeBooters Alliance
Pirate themed LARP. Includes rules, contacts, recipes for themed food/drinks, photo gallery, in-character stories and links. [UK]
Treasure Trap Live Roleplaying Society
FAQ, newsletter, bulletin boards for in-character and out-of-character discussion, in-character fiction, contacts, schedule of events, photo gallery and on-line magazine. [University of Birmingham, UK]