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Bears Faction, The Ravensguard
Blaidd Ddu, Coir Trid Nearth, Dragons Faction, Slievegallion Halls, The Darkblades, The Morghun Host
Harts Faction, The Mckinnon Page
Clan McTaff, Jackals Faction
Armengar, Children of Malar, Codex A.R.S.E., The Countess Guard, The Lions of Lantia, The Palatinate Website
Tarantula Faction
Aben-Nuath Ma-Na-Nog, Ghostwalkers, Unicorns Faction
Brenna Keep - Home to the Lanznechts, Marshall's Tavern, Smurf's Ley Access, The Bloodletters, The Viper Faction
Rangers of Vetreheim, Wolves Faction
Allen Stroud's Website
Includes unofficial Lorien Trust Utilities - research submission, FAQ on LT rules and character/group background submission. Also includes Allen's personal content.
Index of notice boards for the Gathering LRP campaign.
Libris Priores
The Library of Ancestors contains information on many of the Ancestors (deities) within the LT world.
Mages Guild
The Mages Guild within the Gathering system. Contains information on joining the Guild, the High Council, In Character Papers, and Gallery.
Militia Guild
The Militia guild within the Gathering system. Contains information about the Guild, Faction law and internal message boards.
The Alashans
History of the continent, photos and the Alashans of Erdreja.
The Encyclopaedia Erdreja
An ongoing undertaking to catalogue the diverse history and ecology of the world. Also includes online rules for the Lorien Trust System.
The Lorien Trust
The official site of the Lorien Trust. Includes contact information, newsletters (Rune) and booking forms for major events
The Planned Events Listing
Gathering events for the near future, and other events which may be of interest to Gathering people. Also links to resources for event organisers.