Bill Willingham's Destroyers
The Destroyers appeared as a supervillain group in a comic book, and also in an adventure book for the Villains and Vigilantes RPG titled "Death Duel with the Destroyers." This site contains detailed information on each for use in gaming.
Champions of Justice
Champions/Justice Foundation amalgam project originally started on the "San Angelo: City of Heroes" e-mailing list. Help create a world that combines characters from the Champions rulesbook and San Angelo.
D.S. al Coda
Coda, an amnesiac, precognitive, superheroine, from the 1987 Wild Hunt & Defenders campaign.
Deejay's Unofficial Champions Character Write
Writeups of over 390 published comic-book characters. The Deejay archive, originally by Jack Wilson. Submissions welcome.
Negative Space Champions Archive
About 100 comic book writeups by Sam Bell and others. Text from the newsgroup and mailing list.
Portrait of a Mentalist
Invisible Black - a bad tempered female cop mentalist.
The Champions Database
Submit your favorite Champions character write-up to the Champions database and share it with other Champions players.
The Great Net Book of Real HEROs
Collection of descriptions and details of characters from professional comic books, in text format.