english deutsch
Arcady's Mutants And Masterminds Game
Campaign notes and general articles on the game. Features characters, story arcs, and session logs.
Brand's Brand Publications
Features free previews of Church and State, a campaign setting and adventure.
Campaign setting. Includes a history and map of Pacific City, its heroes, and its villains.
Devils Workshop
Publishes sourcebooks and character archetypes in pdf format.
E-CORE - M&M Superlink News
Collects and organizes superlink information. Features articles, supers, mooks, powers and more.
Freedom City - Mystery Men
Features character biographies and statistics.
Hall of Justice
Features write-ups of DC, Marvel, and Freedom City characters.
Heroes and Henchmen
House rules, character write-ups, campaign background, and game logs.
Mutants & Masterminds HQ
Official game site. Features Freedom City campaign background, previews of upcoming supplements, and a message board, as well as FAQ, errata, a mini-adventure, and maps.
Mutants and Masterminds
Game statistics for the Justice League.
Mutants and Masterminds - The Freedom City Game
Campaign notes that include characters, referee handouts, and session summaries.
Neo's Datalink
Collection of DC and Marvel character conversions into game terms. Also includes a gallery and articles about other games.
Quantum Heroes
Alternate campaign setting featuring hero and villain write-ups and house rules.
Simpson's Excel Character Builder
Character sheets for download.
Talon Studio
Features information on Steve Kenson's game design work, including previews of upcoming projects.
Features forums, news, and characters. Includes a character creation tutorial and a guide to buying powers.
Yahoo Groups : Mutants and Masterminds
Discussion of campaign ideas, characters, and rules.