5x5x5 Rubik's Cube
Solutions guide to the 5x5x5 Rubik's Cube, sometimes called the Professor's Cube.
Dan Lewis Solution
Easy to follow Rubik's Cube eight step corners first solution, with illustrations and explanations.
Graphic Rubik's Cube Solution
Simple Graphical Solution to Solving the Rubik's Cube.
How to Solve the Rubik's Cube
Two distinct solutions for the Rubik's Cube and miscellaneous information on the cube.
Jaap's Solution
Descriptions and solutions for many different types of Rubik's Cube puzzles including Square-One, Alexander's Star, Tricky Disky, and Rubik's Magic.
Jiri Fridrich's solution
Advanced method to solve Rubik's cube very fast. Includes advice to improve your speed.
Josef Jelinik Solution
Overview of all the different algorithms to solve Rubik's cube, written in English and Czechoslovakian.
Lars Petrus' Solution
Advanced solution for solving Rubik' cube that does not use the layer approach. Illustrated by animated Java cubes.
Matthew Monroe's Solution
Solving the Rubik's Cube using a simple and foolproof solution.
R Hoffman's Solution
A one-page solution that uses three simple arrow diagrams to indicate which plane of the cube is to be turned a ¼ turn. No knowledge of notation required.
Robert Kelley
Describes a method by which anyone can solve the rubik's cube on their own.
Solving Rubik's Cube
Graphic and textual explanation of how to solve the cube.
A presentation of a advanced and fast solution to Rubik's cube. Maneuvers are presented very clearly and from different angels. There is also a convenient Java applet for finding new algorithms
Systematic Solution for Rubik's Cube
A sustematic method to solving the cube.
The Ultimate Solution
A unique solution using only two series and requires only 65 moves to solve a scrambled Rubik's Cube.
Tim Browne's Solution
Easy solution for the Rubik's cube and other similar puzzles.
Wedran's Web Solution
Web program that will solve your cube giving you step by step instructions.