Alamo, USS
The USS Alamo, an escort vessel, is stationed at Starbase 177.
Ark Royal, USS
The USS Ark Royal, NCC-74133, is a Quantum class vessel.
Delta Quadrant Command
Takes place in the Delta Quadrant where many new races are encountered.
Guardian, SS
Set on a Maquis ship, during the Cardassian/Dominion alliance, with former Starfleet, intelligence agents and civilians, of various races, all fighting for the Maquis cause.
Reserve Fleet HQ - Starbase 348
Outlands Station, Starbase 348 in the Paxton System is the headquarters for the reserve fleet.
ShiKahr: The Emerald City, a Vulcan RPG
Vulcan play-by-e-mail role-playing game set in Star Trek universe. It contains a database of canon and fan-created Vulcan resources and links to other Vulcan sites.
Starbase 177
Located near the borders of Romulan, Cardassian, and Breen space.
Starbase McCoy
Based on a Starbase named after the legendary Doctor McCoy from the Enterprise.
Starbase T'Plana-Hath
Starbase T'Plana-Hath is a Federation stronghold in the Alpha Quadrant. She is the Headquarters of the Federation Task Force Thunder Fleet, also called the 5th Fleet.
Starfighter, USS
The USS Starfighter is a military intelligence and recon starship. Rating: NC-17.
Tobias, USS
The USS Tobias, NCC-75487, is assigned to Starbase McCoy.
United Federation of Planets Sim
A Star Trek PBeM game. Crews are small with an Academy for beginners. Plans to add Section 31 in the near future.
The Valiant, NX-02, is Starfleet's second ship to go on a voyage of interstellar exploration. Takes place in 2151.
Vigilance-A, USS
The USS Vigilance-A, NCC-21707-A, is a Sovereign Class vessel and represents the powerhouse of the vessels assigned to the Starbase T'Plana-Hath.