english deutsch
Andromeda, USS
The USS Andromeda, NCC-11027-A, is the flagship of the Silver Fleet and is a Solar II class Command Cruiser operating from Starbase Epsilon.
Endeavour, USS
The USS Endeavour, NCC-5000-A, is a Kirov class Heavy cruiser of the Silver Fleet.
Excalibur, USS
The USS Excalibur, NCC-1844-B, is a CIRCE-Class Battle Cruiser and is part of Task Force Epsilon, Silver Fleet.
Hunter Adams, USS
The USS Hunter Adams, NCC-47910, is a Hippocrates-Class Light Cruiser and is Part of Task Force Epsilon, Silver Fleet.
Nebula, USS
The USS Nebula, has recently been upgraded to a Solar-II Class Starship and is part of Task Force Zinderneuf, Silver Fleet.