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Delta Fleet
Delta Fleet is a Star Trek simming fleet in the FSF. We have six sims, all running on American Online, throughout the week. Join one of our sims and see what quality is all about.
FSF USS Akira Missions Special Ops Mission Briefi
This website contains Strategic information and Missions outlines of USS Akira Special Operations. The information contained here is classified and requires Level 7 or higher clearance.
FSF Concept Support Guild
The CSG is a resource group for all FSF members, offering advice on all matters of simming realism in the Star Trek universe and awarding a realism rating to sims, on request.
FSF Epsilon Fleet
Epsilon Fleet is an email fleet in the FSF. It has nine email simulations. We have Star Trek and Matrix games for everyone to enjoy. Join and see what quality with quantity actually means.
Omega Fleet - FSF
Omega Fleet is a top quality FSF fleet. They have a dozen sims ranging from email and live (AOL, AIM, and IRC) sims. They excel in quality role playing.
Psicron Fleet - FSF
Psicron Fleet is a strict military fleet in the FSF. With four sims, we excell in the personal touch with top quality military training, black operations, and secretive missions. Join and enjoy the best of the best.
Psicron Fleet Sim Site
Listing of the sims in the Psicron Fleet.
Starbase 254
Starbase 254 is a hub for information in the Star Trek universe. Simming, Trek news, message boards, and Top 50 website lists.
Starbase Adelphi - FSF
Starbase Adelphi is a proud member of the FSF and of Epsilon Fleet. Starbase Adelphi sims +15 years of the current trek year. Adelphi is set in the Delta Quadrant... the first Federation Outpost in the Delta Quadrant.
Starbase Capricorn - FSF
Starbase Capricorn is a proud member of the FSF and Epsilon Fleet. Starbase Capricorn is set +15 years to the current trek year. Starbase Capricorn is set in the Gamma Quadrant. Capricorn is the largest Federation Starbase ever built.
The FSF Weekly Buzz - FSF
The Weekly Buzz contains articles, day by day news, ship briefings, games, and much more for the Federation Sim Fleet sim group. The Buzz includes archives for all previous Weekly Buzz newsletters.
U.S.S. Black Lightning
The U.S.S. Black Lightning, a Star Trek sim in the Federation Sim Fleet.
U.S.S. Draco
The U.S.S. Draco sim in the Federation Sim Fleet's Psicron Fleet.
USS AKIRA - Saturdays at 1pm EST - AOL / AIM
An advanced simulation in the Federation Sim Fleet.
USS Endevour - Federation Sim Fleet
An e-mail Star Trek sim set in the year 2388
USS Intrada
An advanced simulation in the Federation Sim Fleet.
USS John C. Stennis - Tuesdays at 9pm EST - AOL /
The Stennis is an Advanced Simulation in Omega Fleet, of the Federation Sim Fleet.A Prometheus Class Vessel, its cutting edge technology, and elite crew lead the voyage to the Final Frontier.
USS Titan
The USS Titan is a brand new Steamrunner class vessel. Her crew complements former crew members from the late USS Perseus and the retired USS Falcon... both were FSF sims. The USS Titan proudly serves the FSF as a deep space exploration vessel assigned to the mighty Epsilon Fleet.
Welcome to Alpha Fleet!
Alpha Fleet is a Star Trek simming division in the FSF that features live and e-mail sims.
Zeta Fleet - FSF
Zeta Fleet is the FSF's message board fleet. We concentrate on maintaining high standards of quality and continuity, creating wonderful storylines in the vein of the best Star Trek episodes and movies.