english deutsch
Neutral guild that believes the existence of light is dependent on darkness and vice versa.
BDH Main Page
Neutral fellowship, dedicated to the founding principles of honor and loyalty.
Clan Drachenstalker main page
The Balance Must Be Kept
Clan Ghost Bear
A clan within the land of Rhydin that tries to avoid war, but will use force if need be.
Dian Cecht's Healers
An entirely neutral coalition of Healers of the light and dark, all faiths and folk, flesh and fur.
Directive Interactive Council Elite
Neutral guild of ambassadors, negotiators, and advisors.
Fellowship of the Morning Star
Loyalty above all.
Great Watchers of RhyDin
A neutral UGC guild.
House of Accursed Synn
A neutral guild.
Neutral Warriors of Rhydin
A neutral guild.
Rhydin's Legacy
Neutral guild in existence for several years.
The Keepers
An organization of individuals dedicated to learning to improve themselves and also perserve the balance of the realm.
The Legacy Of Pain
Neutral and chaotic alligned Rhydin guild with self run forum.