Falcon Science Fiction and Fantasy Society
Promoting science fiction and fantasy in Nova Scotia through game cons, writing contests, artwork, costumes.
Gaming Convention Listings by Jenga
One of the most complete game convention listing sites, with good searches.
Rocky Mountain Benefit Gamers Association
Raises money for small, local charities in the Rocky Mountain region, typically by holding various events throughout the year, many of which are gaming (like board games and role-playing games, not gambling) related.
RPG Registry
Huge database of role-playing Conventions, players, and games - both online and offline.
RPGA Convention Calendar
Webpage goes to current month of official RPGA activities in the United States.
Steve Jackson Games - Convention and Trade Show Sc
Listing of events submitted to Steve Jackson's list, from all over the world.
The ConMen Syndicate
Gaming e-zine and convention listings from around the globe.
The Gamers' Keep Calendar of Events
Home of the Concentric webring (gamecon). A well-maintained list, although there are quite a few non-gaming conventions in there, or conventions where gaming is a minor part of what's on offer.
The SF Site: Conventions
Science-Fiction gaming convention calendar.
UK RPG Convention Calendar
Upcoming roleplaying games conventions in the British Isles. Looks comprehensive and informative.