Ayrshire District
Presentation and schedule of competitions, directory of clubs, news.
Central District
Presentation and schedule of competitions, directory of clubs, news. Official site.
Eastern District of the Scottish Bridge Union
Provides a schedule of events, results of tournaments, a directory of clubs. Official site.
Elgin Bridge Centre
Provides schedules and results for the nine member-clubs.
Highland District
Presentation and schedule of competitions, directory of clubs, news.
Killearn Bridge Club
Presents a programme of eventsand the results of competitions.
Leicestershire Contract Bridge Association
Calendar of events, results of competitions, club directory, news. Official site.
Loreburn Bridge Club
Presentation of the club and its committee, schedule of games and results.
North District
Presentation and schedule of competitions, directory of clubs, news.
Scottish Bridge Union
Presents a calendar of tournaments, results, news. Official site.
Scottish Junior Bridge
Provides results, reports and articles from past events, information about forthcoming competitions and details of junior players.
South District
Presents a calendar of tournaments and results and a directory of clubs.
West District of the Scottish Bridge Union
Provides a directory of affiliated clubs, a schedule of events, results and news. Official site.