Aggressive Bidding Foundation
Proposes an approach based on a math model over computer analysis. Provides famous pairs systems, an exposition of the theory and a bidding machine.
An Unassuming Club
A bidding system invented by Donald A. Varvel of Mountain View, CA, USA. It is based on an ambiguous 1 club opening, associated with 5-card majors, weak no trumps, and weak 2s.
An Unassuming Club
Presentation of a variant of the Polish Club system.
Bidding by Design
Proposes articles on bidding system theory and offers examples for download. Free system design software available for download.
Bidding Order Shows Strength (BOSS)
Describes a system where priority is given to the strenght of the partnership hands.
Bidding Quest
Practice bidding on prepared deals with scores. Compare and check how other pairs have bid same boards. Try bidding competition with anonymous partner.
Brazilian Bridge
Presention of the Carioca Club and other conventions, links.
Brian's Bridge page
Presentation of various systems: Sheumaker-deBraal, Precision, Kaplan-Sheinwold.
Bridge Bidding Guide
Look-up tables for bridge bidding, with the most common conventions used in "Standard American" bidding, by Richard Pavlicek.
Bridge Bidding Systems and Conventions
Thorough listing of bridge bidding systems and conventions, particularly those used in North America.
Bridge Conventions
Provides an encyclopaedia of conventions, systems and treatments.
Bridge Files
Provides overview of different systems, a list of conventions and information about the game. Free registration required.
Bridge is it
Concerned with bridge bidding systems, especially CLONE, based on a forcing weak/strong 1 club opening. Also features links to other bridge resources, particularly on bidding systems. Bilingual site (English/Norwegian).
Bridge World Standard
Description of a bridge bidding system based on the preferences of leading players, and aimed at the needs of occasional partnerships. Some characteristics: 5-card major opening, strong no-trump, artificial strong two-club opening, weak 2s in the other suits, and inverted minors.
Bidding system from Norway based on a Big Diamond relay sequence.
Colonial Acol and LISA
Presentation of two bidding systems, one a US adaptation of the British Acol system, the other a modification of Standard American.
Contract Bridge Culbertson System
Contract bridge bidding, as developed by Culbertson. Culbertson's survey of good playing techniques is also included.
Survey of a large number of commonly used bridge bidding conventions and bidding systems.
Goodjava's Bridge Page
Presentation of the 2/1 system and other conventions, the author's ACBL convention card.
Josh's Bridge Pages - A Simple System
Description of a simple bridge-bidding system played by some British players, based on weak NT and four-card major openings.
Key Lime Precision
Modified version of the Precision Forcing 1Club bidding system, with many transfer responses.
M.A.F. - The Ultimate Bridge Bidding System
A scientific bidding system from the Netherlands (5-card majors and different two-suiter openings). Bilingual site gives information in English and Dutch.
Neill, Daniel
Proposes bidding notes to download for many systems, conventions and treatments.
Pekiner, YAlçin
Proposes a collection of articles, tests and free software. English and Turkish.
Polish Standard 2000
Description of the Polish Club bidding system, with different variants.
Precision Bidding System
Detailed description of the Precision Bidding System (strong 1 club opening, with 16+ points), as modified by one partnership.
Precision Two-over-One
Presents an overview of a system mixing a strong club with standard methods.
Modification of the bidding system Regres, based on frequent openings with weak hands and opening passes with strong hands.
SA-YC Simplified
This bidding system is a simplified version (as played on OKBridge) of the Standard Yellow Card (SA-YC) system of the ACBL (American Contract Bridge League). Its essential features include the strong no-trump, 5-card major and weak 2 openings.
The Blue Team Club System
Description of a complex bidding system invented in Italy. A major part of the information is in downloadable files only. Bilingual site (Italian/English).
The Chilli Bidding System
Gives priority to simplicity and universality of rules.
The Diamond Major
Forcing club, 5-card major, medium notrump system.
The L System
An original bridge bidding system presented by Hong Liu, based on very light openings.