Mao, Mao, Mao, Mao Links, Mao Prime, Mao The Card Game, Mao: A Sample Game, Mao: The Game, The Game of Mao, The Game of Mao
About Solitaire, BVS Solitaire Collection, Card Games: Competitive Patience, Chess and Poker: Solitaire (Patience) Strategy, Solitaire Central
Climbing Games
Overview of five games: The Big Two/Choi Dai Di, Zheng Shangyou, Zheng Fen, Tien Len, and President/Asshole/Scum.
Eights Group
Rules on eight games in the Eights family: Crazy Eights, Spoons, Crates, Last One, Mao, Bartok and Eleusis.