Basic Guidelines for Titan Play
A one page text article with beginner's tips for Titan.
Bruno's Titan Home Page
Extensive information on the board game from Avalon Hill, including errata, character count, general article index, strategy, tournament schedules and results.
Colossus Fan Page
Java clone of the board game. Currently the game supports networking and can be downloaded for free. Site includes screenshots, downloads, and instructions.
MIT SGS and The Warroom ; Titan rules
Variant rules where players can have Cosmic Encounter like powers.
Temple of Titan
Play advice, GIFs of master board, and battle lands.
TITAN Fan Homepage
A compilation of various resources and varients. Includes battle land construction kit and downloads of new battle lands.
Titan Play By Email
Every thing you need to play the game by email. Site includes downloads, screen shots, and links.
Warhorse Simulations
New Balrog counters, new "Ent" creature, and TitanGM (Fortran UNIX program for moderating play by email Titan games).