Command Post Gamma
Scenarios, strategies, and variant rules. Includes a scenario creation contest.
Generic Wargame Maps
Alternate maps for playing the board games and links to tools for editing maps.
John Xavier Crimmins' Gallery
Display of paint jobs for Ogre miniatures.
Karl's Ogre GEV site
Scenario, maps of cities and photos of miniatures.
Mars Ogre
Unofficial game variant for battles on Mars.
Tactical ground combat games set in the next century, with hovercraft, tanks, infantry, tactical nukes, and a giant cybernetic tank called the Ogre.
Topics include building terrain, terrain boards, modelling, safe tool use, and galleries from tournaments.
OGRE 2200: After the Factory States
Nearly a century after the Last War ended, the world finds itself again threatened, and once again, the OGREs roll across the countryside.
Ogre Cybertank Artwork
The original illustrations, presented by the artist who drew them.
OGRE Macrotures
Supersized Ogre miniatures construction and convention schedule.
Ogre Miniatures
Metal vehicles and figures in 1/285th scale are available from Warehouse23.
Ogre on the brain
Andrew Walters' articles, fiction and pictures on Ogre.
Ogre/GEV Mailing List
Moderated forum for the OGRE/GEV games with archives back to 1992.
Pan Pacific Alliance
Recognition manual, combat photos, scenarios, units, maps and miscellaneous other stuff.
PBEM Players for Ogre/GEV
A list of players interested in playing the game by e-mail.
Star Armor Micros
1/300th scale miniatures somewhat suitable for OGRE.