english deutsch
Alekhine, Alexander
Biography of Alexander Alekhine, World Chess Championship 1927: Alekhine - Capablan
Anderssen, Adolf
Lapp on Chess: Alekhine, Marshall: Adolf Anderssen
Botvinnik, Mikhail
Chess World Champions: Mikhail Botvinnik, Fide Title Tournament 1948: Botvinnik, World Chess Championship 1960: Tal - Botvinnik
Capablanca, Jose Raoul
589 Games: 1901-1939, José Raúl Capablanca, World Chess Championship 1921: Capablanca - Lasker
Euwe, Max
Chess World Champions: Machgielis (Max) Euwe, Iverson Lapp on Chess: Max Euwe, Machgielis (Max) Euwe, Max Euwe's anniversary., NYCHESSKIDS: Max Euwe
Fischer, Bobby
Atlantic Monthly: Bobby Fischer's Pathetic En, Bill Wall's Chess Master Profiles: Robert Jam, Fischer Interviewed about Sale of his Memorabilia , Fischer Random Chess News, Rules, Examples, Games from 1955-1992, Lonnie Best: Amazing Bobby Fischer, Robert J Fischer, The Bobby Fischer Home Page, The Telegraph: Bobby Fischer Speaks Out to Applaud, Unofficial Rematch 1992: Fischer - Spassky (Unoffi
Karpov, Anatoly
Anatoly Karpov Unofficial Page, Karpov Games: 1960-1998, World Chess Championship 1978: Karpov - Korchnoi, World Chess Championships 1984-1990: Kasparov - Ka
Kasparov, Garry
1996 Biography, 2000 World Chess (Braingames) Championship: Kaspar, Controversy of lost move in Kasparov v. World, Games from 1973-1998, Kasparov Chess Match, Kasparov vs. Deep Blue: The Rematch, Kasparov vs. Rest Of The World, Kasparov-Karpov World Championship Games, Kasparov-Karpov World Championships, NPR : Chess Great Kasparov May Move into Politics
Khan, Mir Sultan
A True Story: Sultan Khan, Asia's First Chess Grandmaster
Kramnik, Vladimir
600+ Games: 1988-1996, World Chess Championship 2000: Kramnik - Kasparov
Lasker, Emanuel
Emanual Lasker, Lapp on Chess: Lasker, World Chess Championship 1894: Lasker - Steinitz
Morphy, Paul
400 Games: 1847-1869, La Mecca - Chess Encyclopedia: Paul Morphy, First , Paul Morphy, the Great American Chess Player, US Chess Hall of Fame Biography: Paul Morphy
Petrosian, Tigran
Tigran Petrosian, Tigran Petrosian
Philidor, Francois Andre Danican
Bill Wall's Chess Master Profiles - Philidor, The Game is Afoot: Philidor
Smyslov, Vassily
Interview with Smyslov, NYCHESSKIDS: Vassily Smyslov
Spassky, Boris
Unofficial Rematch 1992: Fischer - Spassky, World Chess Championship 1972: Fischer - Spassky
Staunton, Howard
Games by Howard Staunton, The Mark of Westminster: Howard Staunton
Steinitz, Wilhelm
Lapp on Chess: Wilhelm Steinitz, William Steinitz, World Chess Championship 1886: Steinitz - Zukertor, World Chess Championship 1894: Lasker - Steinitz
Tal, Mikhail
Chess Poster: Mikhail Tal, Mikhail Tal, The Game is Afoot, Thinkquest: Mikhail Tal, World Chess Championship 1960: Tal - Botvinnik
Chess Talk
Contains quizzes, a forum, and interviews.