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32-bit Porting Support
32BitLib is a macro library for BASIC assembler. Armc is a perl script to semi-automate conversion.
A 3D Engine
Freeware 3D engine for RISC OS. Direct link to ZIP file.
Class library for this third-generation programming language.
C Wimp library for RISC OS. Changes, downloads, and CVS access.
Minor C library of extra code for users of DeskLib.
Sound player module. Features, download, and forums.
Library for interfacing to the Select 3 'ImageFileConvert' module stack. This system allows images of one type to be converted to another through a single SWI interface.
Kappa - BASIL
Allows the use of the same BASIC code for many programs without having to load new copies each time, by loading libraries into the relocatable module area. Freeware program, available for download along with manual.
Helps track down program errors involving dynamically allocated memory blocks.
Port of the Mesa 3D Graphics Library and a site of resources.
Interface library to the RISC OS API. Summary, FAQ, and downloads. [Open source]
Library of routines written mostly in C to assist writers of 2D video games.
Python Resources
A variety of scripts and libraries for the Python language.
Set of libraries that allow X client programs to be compiled and run with little or no changes to the source code.
Extensive C library by Jason Tribbeck.
RISC OS port of the Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) graphics library. Downloads and source. [Open source]
C-library neutral libraries including TCPIPLibs, RISC_OSLib, C library, flexlib, and Toolbox libraries, as well as the SharedCLibrary neutral StubsG. This allows applications and modules linked against it to be used with which ever version of the SharedCLibrary is present on the system.
The One True Dynamic Linker
Aims to specify the requirements for a dynamic linker, with shared library support, then to become accepted as a standard.
Information on Unixlib, the default C library for GCC for RISC OS.
An alternative multitasker which preemptively multitasks the application rather than cooperatively as the current RISC OS Wimp does. Downloads and brief overview.
C and assembler library with source for fixed point maths, 3D graphics, WIMP programming, fast sprite plotting, debugging, and profiling. Download and discussion forums.