Debian on the Sharp Zaurus SL-5xxx
Project aiming to create a full-featured, plug and play Debian environment for the Zaurus.
Dobrica Pavlinusic: Zaurus Stuff
Tips on compiling a kernel, upgrading and syncing a Zaurus 5600.
Gadgeteer: Sharp Zaurus SL-5000D
Review of Sharp Zaurus SL-5000D with many pictures. "Right now, it has a big appeal for hackers and Unix geeks which is great, but it doesn't feel like a consumer device for the average person."
Insomniq OpenSSH port
Package and instructions for installing a port of OpenSSH in the SL-5000D.
Java Programming on the Sharp Zaurus
This article contains detailed instructions for developing and packaging Personal Profile and PersonalJava applications for the Sharp Zaurus.
Lars Friedrichs Zaurus Software
Smbmount, midnight commander and zNetBackup packages for the Sharp Zaurus.
Notes on using OSX with the Zaurus. Particularly QT development and synchonization.
Sharp hosted site providing details of accessories, tips and tricks, software downloads, support information and links.
Project to create an open source ROM image based on Debian embedded linux. Includes downloads, documentation, screenshots and FAQs.
Sharp Zaurus Help
Advice on networking an SL-5500 via a Linux PC using USB to ethernet. With a selection of downloads.
Sharp Zaurus Kernel RPMS for Red Hat Linux 7.3
Beta versions of Linux kernel RPMS for several architectures.
Sharp Zaurus SL-5000D Speaker Project
How to build an external speaker and how to power a Zaurus from PC keyboard connector.
Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 PDA
A description of the Zaurus, with directions for installing some programs.
The Locker
Provides a detailed tutorial on the conversion of video for use on the Zaurus.
TuxMobil: Linux on the Sharp Zaurus SL-5000D/5500G
Provides an overview of the platform, links and Palm to Zaurus conversion tools.
Zaurus and ARM Linux development site. With several ported applications for the SL-5000D and SL-5500.
Enthusiast-written tutorials, Java programs (with source) and tips on networking.
Zaurus Geek
Journal of an SL-5500 user with software tips, developer resources and projects. Specially formatted to improve viewing from a Zaurus.
Zaurus Mysql Relational Database
Notes on running MySQL on the Zaurus SL-5xxx, with IPK files and patches.
Zaurus SL-5x000 Enhanced ROM
Home of the Cacko/Crow ROM, an enhanced version of that supplied by Sharp incorporating improved RAM usage and location of /home on SD.
Zaurus Software Index
An index of software for the Sharp Zaurus SL-5000D and SL-5500. With screen dumps and email notification service.
Zaurus Stuff
Provides a selection of applications, plus guidance on setting up a development environment.
Some tips on using the SL-5500. Includes ResumeGuard, an application for preventing battery exhaustion due to alarms interfering with APM suspend.
Searchable database of software available for the Sharp Zaurus SL-5000D and SL-5500.