english deutsch
Publishes the All My Movies and All My Photos software.
Collection Explorer
A Windows Explorer-like tool to organize and keep track of collections. [NA]
Series of programs for cataloging collections of CDs, DVDs, books, comic books and MP3 files. [NA]
Software to organize collections of books, videos, music, or stamps. [OS NA]
Software for cataloging collections. [OS NA]
Insight Software Solutions, Inc
Software for cataloging collections of books, videos, stamps, or coins. [Win 3.1/95/98/NT]
Mediathek Premium
Personal information & inventory manager to track virtually anything you own.
MessLess Software
Software for collectors and home inventory.
ORGANIZE! Your Collection
Free software for cataloging personal collections such as music, books, stamps and 70 others.
Sports Card Tracker
Handles all types of sports cards and card sets. Track unlimited collections, scan in cards, organize them, analyze each collection, create sets and chart status. [Win 95/98/2000]
Sportscard Organizer
Software to help you keep track of your sports card collection.