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Batch Script Collection
MS-DOS, Win 95+, NT, and some cross compatibility batches.
Gord's World of Batch Files
Many useful batch files and info. Also links to other batch resources.
Kent Dyer's Home Page
General Windows batch scripting and utilities, Kix, Linux, HTML
NT Command Reference
An A-Z Index of the Windows NT command line.
NT/Win2K Scripting
Environmental variables, For loops, redirecting error messages, Findstr, date, conditional processing.
Scripting and Batch Programming
Command line interface, environmental variables, logon, Windows Scripting Host, Visual Basic, Perl.
The System Guard
A family of Windows-scripting related products. Command libraries provide API-like functionality to .cmd files with a specific emphasis on writing reliable cross-platform shell scripts.
The Windows NT Command Shell
What it is, what it does, and how to use it. Chapter 2 from "Windows NT Shell Scripting", by Timothy Hill, Linda Engelman.
The Wizard's Apprentice
Application that can ask questions from batch files with user friendly Windows dialog boxes; Cancel, Back and Next buttons.
Win32 Scripting
Shell, Visual Basic, downloads, examples, reference materials, and technical support via message board.
Windows NT Shell Scripting
Batch, shell scripting, VBScript, Windows Script Host, adsi, tutorials, discussion forum.
Windows NT/2000 FAQ
Wide range of topics including command prompt and batch. Submit your own FAQ, ask a technical question.