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3D Coding BlackHole
Great site on DJGPP 3D programming. Includes example 3D engine.
Allegro Games Depot
a list of games that are made or are being made with/for Allegro.
Game Programming Vault '99 (Using DJGPP/Alleg
Game programming using DJGPP and the wonderful Allegro library. Free games, tutorials, examples, and source-code.
Game Programming with DJGPP
Has docs dealing with interrupts, VESA, SB and other issues of game programming.
Grumpy Gnome Software
Source code of games programmed for DOS using Allegro and DJGPP.
Map Editor
Mappy for PC (DOS and Win95)- A utility for creating flexible 'maps' for tile based 2D games (scrolling shoot-em-ups, or 8way scrolling adventures, whatever).
Programmer's Lair
An easy to use, large game programming site with information raniging from artificial intelligence and DirectX programming to sound and communications programming.