english deutsch
Game Programming
3D Coding BlackHole, Allegro Games Depot, Game Programming Vault '99 (Using DJGPP/Alleg, Game Programming with DJGPP, Grumpy Gnome Software, Map Editor, Programmer's Lair
Allegro, DEGUI, FreeBE/AF Library
Web Rings
Allegro, DJGPP
Cprogramming.com - DJGPP
This page will be expanding to include games and programs that will only run under DJGPP. Especially good examples for using Allegro. Currently contains nothing.
DFE95 -- The DJGPP Front-End for Windows 95
A front-end for DJGPP and other dos-based development systems, authored by Will Weisser. It works well with DJGPP, Mingw32, and Cygwin.
DOS port of free GPLed GNU C/C++ compiler; 32 bit, highly optimizing, up-to-date.
DJGPP and Related Links
A large collection of DJGPP related links.
The DJGPP Frequently Asked Questions by Eli Zaretskii
DJGPP Public Access Cross-Compiler
This service is being provided as a convenience to users who need to be able to produce a small DOS program and do not have access to a DOS machine with a compiler on it.
DJGPP Resource Center
Resources and tutorials for DJGPP users, protected mode documentation, and IDEs.
DJGPP Software Packages
The resource center for DJGPP and other free software. DJGPP documentation, FAQs, and tutorials, available
An integrated development environment (IDE) for DJGPP running under Windows.
Where to find DJGPP packages
An exhaustive collection of links to software written using DJGPP.