english deutsch
Unofficial page with FAQ, news/information, mirrors, bug reports, support, history, binary file for private use, links to DOS programs, documentation library, German links.
DeviceLogics, Inc.
Makes DR-DOS, compact, Y2K safe, perfect for embedded or thin-client systems; source code available; development kits, older and localized versions; Breadbox Ensemble; NetWare.
DR-DOS Forum by DrDOS.Ws
Active message board for users and programmers.
OpenDOS Stuff
News, FAQ and mail archives.
OpenDOS Unofficial Page
Descriptions, Q&A, downloads, mail lists, programming information. Not up-to-date, but has useful information, some of historical interest.
The DR-DOS/OpenDOS Enhancement Project
Goal: continue development, enhance abilities of, add support for new standards to, extend life of this DOS under open source license. Descriptions, downloads of latest versions: source code, binaries, patches.
Unofficial DR-DOS Resources
Links, install and use tips, FAQ; mail lists, newsgroups, fora; downloads: images, source code; tools.