Cyber Cynic: Bye-Bye SCO
What is SCO thinking? Suing IBM pits SCO against one of their oldest allies and puts many of their resellers in difficult spot of having their OS vendor fighting their hardware vendor. [Vaughan-Nichols & Associates]
Does Linux Have a Dark Secret?
All it would take is one unnoticed rogue uploader to open a whole project with millions of users to significant legal trouble. In this way, SCO has done the Linux community a favor by showing a hole in the armor. [NewsFactor Network]
ESR: This is a Strike at the Heart of Our Communit
Anti-SCO alarum and editorial by Open Source advocate Eric S. Raymond, with many forum comments. [Linux Today]
Gartner: SCO's Legal Fees Could Jeopardize It
Recent moves compromise SCO mission as software firm; place law firm in position of growing power to set agenda for SCO compensation. Summary with forum comments. [LWN: Linux Weekly News]
How the SCO Lawsuit Will Affect Linux Adoption
Depending on how IBM responds, its Linux strategy, and the fate of whole Linux movement, may hang in the balance. Unix history; forum comments. [TechRepublic]
Is SCO NDA Sideshow Setting a Trap for Analysts an
SCO refuses to show alleged tainted Linux code publicly. To avoid doing so, they offer look at code via oppressive NDA stating what witnesses can reveal to public. But SCO may have no Unix copyrights or patents. [MozillaQuest]
SCO Admits Business Risks of IBM Lawsuit
Warns in regulatory filing that its $1 billion lawsuit alleging IBM misappropriated trade secrets will be costly, may alienate others in computing industry. [ZDNet UK]
SCO Admits: Linux Jihad is Destroying Our Business
SEC filing shows: SCO has already lost business from its loyal customer base; expects to lose more. [The Register]
SCO Group Playing Pandora?
Open source software backers raise intriguing prospect of whole new group of legal actions surrounding SCO Linux claims: if SCO invoices Linux users, such should respond with consumer fraud actions of their own. [CNET]
SCO Hires Bodyguards for Execs
After claimed phone, email threats to SCO, president and CEO Darl McBride, senior vice president Chris Sontag, others, an unspecified number of bodyguards now protect SCO leaders. Open source reaction: disbelief, scorn. [Salt Lake Tribune]
SCO NDA Offers Little Information, Much Risk
Full text of long non-disclosure agreement SCO asks independent experts to sign, interview with lawyer Dan Ravicher identifies 3 key problems, forum comments. No one in kernel development or planning to contribute to free software projects should sign it. [Linux Journal]
SCO Warns of IBM Lawsuit Risks
It says its $1 billion lawsuit will be costly and may have unintended effects that may harm their business: legal fees may rise greatly, revenue from joint ventures with IBM and partners may fall, IBM may have customers shun SCO products. [CNET]
SCO's Lawsuit is Funny, but Not Ha-ha Funny
Showing poor understanding of history of Unix, open-source software and computing, SCO lawsuit against IBM sent waves across the IT community. Parts of the suit would be humorous if the possible effects on Linux and open source weren't so damaging. [LinuxWorld]
SCO's Legal Fees Could Jeopardize Its Softwar
SCO will pay its lawyers $9 million to pursue lawsuits against Linux users, who should keep low profile and have contingency plan. SCO customers should have migration plan if SCO legal strategy falters. [Gartner]
Unix's War on Linux
By Charles Cooper. The deeply flawed lawsuit filed against IBM by SCO is a stalking-horse for a deeper struggle between proprietary and open-source software. [CNET]