Component-based network-centric OS for the next millennium: distributed adaptable OS, designed for frequent change, being built by the Systems Software Research Group, and the Multimedia Operating Systems and Networking Group, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Automatic Configuration and Monitoring of Component-Based Distributed Systems. From Universities of São Paulo, and of Campinas, Brazil. Part of 2K effort.
GSyC: Systems and Communications Group
Part of Experimental Sciences and Technology Department, University of King Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain. Partners in the 2K effort.
Off++ uKernel
Distributed adaptable microkernel (has been discontinued). GPL'ed. Transparently migrates light-weight processes (shuttles) over a network, communicating by distributed IPC (Portals), in a one global distributed shared memory space. C/Web literate programming sources available.