Eastern Orthodox Editors
A review of z/VM's XEDIT and similar Editors on other platforms.
Linux Peformance on z/VM
Velocity Software's Web site dedicated to Linux performance issues when running on z/VM. From tips to full case studies.
Melinda Varian
Melinda's home page includes links to VM history, VM itself, CMS pipelines, REXX, P/370, P/390 and ZORK for CMS.
MVMRUG: Midwest VM Regional Users Group
A not-for-profit Ohio corporation focusing on bringing speakers to the area, as part of a goal to foster sharing of z/VM-related information and experience.
MVMUA: Metropolitan VM Users Association
The oldest z/VM organization in the U.S. was formed in 1974 and serves the New York City area.
IBM home page for the z/VM implementation of Resource Access Control Facility. Information on the latest version with links to an overview, news, downloads, user groups, past and future presentations, migrating, library, FAQs and education. RACF is security software.
Southwest Missouri State University: CMS User&apos
z/VM at Southwest Missouri State University Computer Services (SMSU CSV).
UK and Ireland VM User Group
Details of meetings and an archive of past presentations.
Velocity Software's Performance Presentations
Snippets and full technical conference sessions on server consolidation and Linux performance issues in a z/VM environment.
An MIT-centric look at VM, its use at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and elsewhere, and some links.
VM Update Journal
A technical journal aimed at those supporting the systems software running on z/VM, as well as the operating system itself. Originally published by Xephon, now available free on-line from SDS.
VM Vendors
A list, from Marist College, of manufacturers of major hardware and software products, including detailed links into the IBM Web site.
VM-based Frequently Asked Questions
Links to common areas of z/VM interest, a list of popular Web sites, including user groups, and z/VM-related Listserv logs. From Marist College.
VM-based WWW Servers
Links to Web servers worldwide that are running z/VM and are accessible from the Internet.
VM/ESA, OS/390, and S/390 Resources on the Net
Mostly links to VM-related information. From Jack J. Woehr of the Rocky Coast Free Board in Colorado.
IBM home page for zSeries/Virtual Machine (z/VM). Information on the latest version with links to an overview, recent announcements, news, events, products and features, downloads, technical resources, library, service and education.
z/VM and Linux for zSeries Resources
A collection of links to IBM Web pages explaining why z/VM is their preferred platform for running Linux on the mainframe. And an overview of how to do it.
z/VM User Groups
An IBM-maintained list of non-profit organizations that provide an opportunity for z/VM users to get and share technical information.
z/VM Worldwide Events Calendar
Upcoming seminars, presentations, conferences, courses and other events by IBM, user groups, consulting firms and training companies.