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A Few ISPF Tools and Toys
Mostly ISPF utilities and samples, including the TASID system monitor, written by IBM's Doug Nadel.
CTC: Command Technology Corporation
SPF/SE is a Windows workstation implementation of the PDF component, the user interface, of z/OS ISPF.
Dave's Mainframe Application Development Page
Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQs) and common scenarios in the ISPF/TSO environment, with answers.
Dave's SPF Editor Page
David Alcock's collection of information on the ISPF Editor, including lists of similar editors for other platforms, as well as XEDIT-like editors.
Dynamic ISPF
Pinnacle Consulting Group's starter set of REXX execs to implement Dynamic ISPF. Other articles and SHARE presentations are also included.
Getting Started With ISPF
Although some information is site-specific, a useful introduction to using ISPF. From Administrative Computing Services at North Carolina State University.
A detailed overview of ISPF use, with screen shots and little site-specific information. From the Northeast Regional Data Center headquartered at the University of Florida.
ISPF Client/Server: Transferring Files
Gilbert Saint-Flour's detailed discussion of transferring files between mainframe and workstation (PC) using the Client/Server component included in ISPF.
ISPF Editor: Some Commands and Shortcuts
A summary of the most commonly-used PF keys and command-line and in-line commands within the ISPF editor by author Alan Gauld.
ISPF for z/OS
IBM home page for Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) software. An overview with links to features, benefits, system requirements, library, News, how to buy, events, services, support and component Software Configuration and Library Manager (SCLM).
ISPF Quick Reference Guide
An index page to the 6 page introduction to ISPF, graphically showing the screens. Each is an Adobe Acrobat .pdf file on this U.S. Environmental Protection Agency site.
ISPF Setup and New Features
Covers initial setup instructions and ISPF features introduced in the 1990s. From the University of Pennsylvania's Information Systems and Computing (Penn Computing).
Java-based ftp client that looks like ISPF but uses ftp to provide workstation access to mainframe files and JES2/JES3, including batch job submission and output. Currently in Beta, available free.
A brief description and contact information for those interested in participating in SHARE's volunteer work on ISPF and/or SCLM. Also includes a few ISPF links.
ISPVCALL: ISPF Debugging on the Bleeding Edge
z/Journal article by Doug Nagel of IBM. Describes the ISPVCALL unsupported utility as a tool for debugging ISPF applications.
Pinnacle Consulting Group: Dynamic ISPF Starter Se
Dynamic ISPF can be used to sharply reduce the number of datasets in the TSO LOGON Proc. DISS provides a place to begin with Dynamic ISPF.
The Software Configuration and Library Manager (SCLM) runs on and comes with ISPF; related software is also available. SCLM provides application change control.
Isogon software that adds features to ISPF, as welling as making it easier to use existing ISPF functionality.
ISPF for most UNIX platforms from The Workstation Group.
University of North Dakota: ISPF Online Tutorial
How to create and edit data files in ISPF. Non-site specific.
University of North Dakota: ISPF Usage Documentati
How to perform common mainframe tasks from ISPF, mostly non-site specific.
University of Oklahoma: ISPF User's Guide
Michael F. Price's MIS 3013 ISPF student guide. Also covers TSO logon and IOF, plus a small mainframe glossary.