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A Few ISPF Tools and Toys, CTC: Command Technology Corporation, Dave's Mainframe Application Development Page, Dave's SPF Editor Page, Dynamic ISPF, Getting Started With ISPF, ISPF at NERDC, ISPF Client/Server: Transferring Files, ISPF Editor: Some Commands and Shortcuts, ISPF for z/OS
ASU IT FYI: Arizona State University On-line Mainf
Detailed usage information on a broad range of commonly-used z/OS software. Some is specific to ASU's academic mainframe.
Bill's Big Iron Page
Both links and original material covering common programming problems in the z/OS environment. By Canadian Bill Lalonde.
CICS VSAM Programming
Documentation for z/OS programmers using VSAM in a CICS environment. Includes a small amount of installation-dependent information from Florida's educational Northwest Regional Data Center.
Clemson University: z/OS Documentation
Detailed step-by-step information on using mainframe utilities and other commonly-used software, including SAS.
DB2 for z/OS and OS/390
IBM home page for Database 2 Universal Database (DB2 UDB). Information on associated products and links to features and benefits, system requirements, library, success stories, news, downloads, events, education, services and support. DB2 is a relational database management system (DBMS).
DB2 Update Journal
Xephon's monthly technical journal covering DB2, predominantly in z/OS, but also other platforms. Older issues, including published code, are available for free download.
The storage management components of z/OS, including DFSMSdfp, DFSMSdss, DFSMShsm and DFSMSrmm.
Originally the Hierarchical Storage Manager (hsm), now "a functional component of DFSMS that provides facilities for managing storage devices" (IBM).
IBM home page for Data Facility Sort (DFSORT). Includes links to product details, publications, support and downloads. DFSORT is sort/merge software with utility capabilities such as data analysis, conversion and reporting.
DOCWEB: The CNS Documentation System
Instruction manuals, Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQs) and News for students and other users of the mostly-mainframe University of Florida (UF)Computing and Networking Services (CNS).
GSU: Georgia State University IS&T Help Center
Includes step-by-step instructions to create and compile COBOL and FORTRAN programs on the z/OS mainframe.
IAM vs. VSAM: A Comparison of Data Access Methods
A BMC comparison of VSAM and its non-IBM competitor IAM running in an z/OS environment. From the September 2000 issue of tech NEWS.
IBM z/OS and OS/390 Expo
The next IBM z/OS and OS/390 annual technical conference. Focusing first and foremost on performance issues, 4.5 days.
IBM z/OS Consolidated Service Test (CST) and the R
Integrated testing of an older Program Update Tape (PUT) level with hipers and PE's from a more recent PUT level for specified operating system, database and teleprocessing monitor versions.
IBM home page for Information Management System (IMS). Information on the family of software with links to a library, success stories, news, events, education, services and support. IMS is a transaction processing system (IMS/TM), a hierarchical database (IMS/DB), data management tools and connectors.
IMS Glossary of Terms and Acronyms
Common technical terminology used to describe concepts within IMS/TM and IMS/DB. From IBM.
LDW's Quick and Dirty MVS Page
Leonard Woren's favourite z/OS software and links.
LE: Language Environment
The IBM common run-time environment for popular programming languages.
MVS by Thierry Falissard
Favourite links of a man with a passion for MVS (now z/OS), including many to original material on his own OS/390-MVS Cyber Mall site.
MVS Forums
Help Boards provide question and answer discussion threads on z/OS application programming, databases, utilities, JCL, Middleware including CICS, IMS, TSO, ISPF, data management and problem determination. There are also links to IBM manuals.
As well as a description of the MVS Project, under which all z/OS activities of the SHARE user group are organized, there are also useful Web links.
MVS Systems Programming: The Book
Focused mainly on the 1993 book by David Elder-Vass, an abridged version of which is featured on the site.
MVS Update Journal
Xephon's monthly technical journal covering z/OS, OS/390 and MVS. Older issues, including published code, are available for free download.
On-line access to manuals covering all components of MVS/ESA. Requires no special reader, though it does simulate IBM BookManager.
Help Boards and Interview Q&A provide moderated technical questions and answers in forums divided along subject lines.
North Carolina State University: z/OS
The NCSU Administrative Computing Services mainframe overview, with detailed ISPF, IOF and ftp usage instructions.
Northwest Regional Data Center: Technical Support
Access to mainframe and other user documentation for Florida's educational Data Center, both generic and site-specific, including DFSMShsm, CICS/VSAM, DB2, tn3270 and ftp. Non-IBM software manuals require ID and password.
OS/360 Obituary
On August 9, 1972, D.A. Jardine wrote this humorous obituary for Operating System/360 (OS/360), the original ancestor of z/OS.
OS/390 Internet Library
On-line access to manuals covering all components of OS/390. Needs no special reader, though it does simulate IBM BookManager.
OSAM is Better than VSAM
A 2000 IBM presentation in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format, explaining why Overflow Sequential Access Method (OSAM), not VSAM, is now the access method of choice for use internally by IMS databases. By Alan Cooper.
OSdata.com on MVS
A Web site that looks at operating systems, takes a look at MVS, now officially known as z/OS.
PeopleSoft on the Mainframe
Performance tips for PeopleSoft running on z/OS DB2. From consulting firm DataBase Consulting Services (DBCS).
IBM home page for Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) security software. Introduction with links to a technical overview, news, downloads, user groups, past and future presentations, migration, library, FAQs and education.
Rizzuto IT
Books, education, technical reports, freeware and links of interest to those who support z/OS.
RMF: Resource Management Facility
IBM's performance measurement and management software.
SDSF and ISPF Quick Reference Guides
Introductory information on using SDSF and ISPF, showing the actual screens you will see. In Adobe Acrobat .pdf format from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Safe Drinking Water Information System/Federal Version (SDWIS/FED).
SDSF: System Display and Search Facility
IBM software to view and control the JES2 queues, running batch jobs, started tasks, and on-line TSO users.
Provides z/OS-based mainframe application concepts, techniques and examples, with special emphasis on integration with the Internet. Hosted by a California consulting firm.
SMP/E: System Modification Program Extended
The software used to install and maintain z/OS software from IBM and many other software companies.
StorageTek: z/OS Support Commitment
StorageTek's policy statement detailing their products' support for IBM mainframes and their operating systems.
Testing z/OS
An IBM Systems Journal article describing how the z/OS development team tested the operating system. Discusses verification methodologies, and test technologies and techniques.
TSO Times
On-line newsletter of technical articles related to TSO and ISPF, with lots of REXX-related information. Includes some articles on the company's (Chicago-Soft) mainframe software products.
University of Georgia Mainframe
Detailed usage information for z/OS JCL, TSO, ISPF and z/OS Abend codes.
UNIX System Services
IBM resources for the full UNIX implementation built into z/OS.
UnXMIT Information Exchange
Details on how to write a program for operating systems other than z/OS that will read a z/OS Partitioned DataSet (PDS, also known as a Library) that been sent with TSO's TRANSMIT (XMIT) command.
Vanguard Enterprise Security Expo
Annual security conference intended for organizations using RACF, but covering non-mainframe-specific topics, such as smart cards and digital certificates.
VSAM Support in TSO, ISPF and REXX
Explains how to use VSAM in TSO, ISPF and REXX. Part of Gilbert Saint-Flour's mainframe Web site.
Watson & Walker
Cheryl Watson specializes in z/OS tuning. This site offers access to some of her free reports and details on how to acquire her chargeable materials, including her Tuning Newsletter, CPU chart, classes on video, and BoxScore and GoalTender software.
Western Illinois University: StuMVS System
Student guides for TSO (ISPF), CICS, MVS QuickRef, AbendAid, local JCL standards and a small glossary.
Wikipedia OS/360 Encylopedia Entry
Short article with many embedded links describing Operating System/360 (OS/360), the original ancestor of z/OS that was written as the operating system for high-end System/360 computers in the early 1960s.
IBM home page for zSeries/Operating System (z/OS). Information on the latest version with links to an overview, recent announcements, software, migration and installation, news, support, downloads, education, library and ease of use issues. z/OS replaced OS/390 (which replaced MVS) when IBM eserver zSeries 900 (z900) replaced System/390 enterprise servers (mainframes).
z/OS Elements and Features
A list of, and links to information on, the Base Elements included in the latest release of the z/OS operating system, and the optional Features.
z/OS Hot Topics Newsletters
Published twice annually by IBM for z/OS Systems Programmers, with one to five page technical articles. Available on-line in PDF format.
z/OS IBM Manuals
On-line access to manuals covering all components of z/OS. Requires no special reader, though it does simulate IBM BookManager.
z/OS Information Wizardry
Web-based wizards for infrequent z/OS Systems Programming tasks.
z/OS Security
IBM security features with and products for z/OS.
z/OS, OS/390 and MVS End of Support Dates
Announcement, general availability, marketing withdrawal and end of support dates and program numbers for z/OS, OS/390 and MVS/ESA.
z/OS-related Web Resources
Dorkie's favourite Web links for those using z/OS, as well as a few pages of his own. Mostly in English, with a few available in French.
A specially priced offering of z/OS providing select z/OS function for the zSeries 800.