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Cardett Associates, CBT Tape, CVS for MVS, DCMS: TBOX MVS Power Tools, Exspans Systems, Free stuff from Leonard Woren, IBM's Free Downloads, Lemon Tree Downloads, Mark's MVS Utilities, Michael J. Cleary: z/OS Freeware
ACL Services: Software, Action Software International: Software, Advantage VISION:Builder and Advantage VISION:Two , Al Sherkow, Applied Expert Systems: Products, Applied Software, AppWorx: Software, Arbutus Software, Ascent Solutions, ASG: Allen Systems Group
ISPF, ASU IT FYI: Arizona State University On-line Mainf, Bill's Big Iron Page, CICS VSAM Programming, Clemson University: z/OS Documentation, DB2 for z/OS and OS/390, DB2 Update Journal, DFSMS, DFSMShsm, DFSORT/MVS, DOCWEB: The CNS Documentation System
Eastern Orthodox Editors, Linux Peformance on z/VM, Melinda Varian, MVMRUG: Midwest VM Regional Users Group, MVMUA: Metropolitan VM Users Association, RACF/VM, Southwest Missouri State University: CMS User&apos, UK and Ireland VM User Group, Velocity Software's Performance Presentations, VM at MIT
CA's z/VSE Newsletter, CICS Transaction Server for z/VSE, CICS/VSE Security Within a z/VSE Environment, DFSORT/VSE, e-business for z/VSE customers by IBM, Language Environment for z/VSE, Ode to z/VSE, TCP/IP for z/VSE, Using IBM's SDAID Tracing for Bus-Tech Device, VSE Mailing/Discussion List and Resources for VSE
Candle Computer Report
In-depth technical articles on mainframe and non-mainframe systems software, with and without Candle software present. Archives go back to late 1998.
IBM home page for Customer Information Control System (CICS). Includes links to support, download, case studies, library, services, events and education. CICS is a transaction processing teleprocessing monitor that runs on z/OS and VSE/ESA, though there have been z/VM and non-mainframe versions.
CICS Central
Information, reviews and discussion about IBM's CICS.
CICS Glossary
Common technical terms used when discussing IBM's CICS transaction processor and teleprocessing monitor. Hosted by the IBM Pittsburg lab, formerly Transarc.
CICS Internet Connectivity
Describes options available for connecting CICS to the Internet.
CICS Tips and Tricks
Technical help submitted by visitors and moderated by a CICS expert.
CICS Update Journal
Xephon's monthly technical journal covering CICS. Older issues, including published code, available for free download.
CICS: Bob Yelavich
CICS technical information from a retired IBM expert.
Data Processing FAQ
Although intended to provide answers to oft-asked mainframe technical questions, the questions are those that frequently come up in day-to-day work.
DB2 Server for VSE & VM
IBM home page for Database 2 running on z/VM and VSE/ESA. Overview and associated products, with links to features and benefits, system requirements, success stories, news, events, education and support. Formerly named SQL/DS, DB2 is a relational database management system (DBMS).
IBM home page for Data Interfile Transfer, Testing, and Operations Utility for ESA (DITTO/ESA). Overview of features with links to support, news, library and more information. DITTO runs on VSE/ESA, z/VM and z/OS.
GDDM: Graphical Data Display Manager
Available for z/OS, z/VM and VSE/ESA, with some components base elements included with z/OS.
IBM Application Development Software
Includes WebSphere and VisualAge, as well as traditional programming language compilers and tools. Plus software management tools such as Software Configuration and Library Manager facility (SCLM).
IBM End of Support Dates
IBM's official listing of the announced end of support date, if any, for each of their software products.
IBM ShopzSeries
An on-line tool (registration required) for IBM z/OS, z/VM, z/VSE customers to order tailored product and service packages, review their software licenses and plan for future upgrades.
IBM Storage Software
IBM home page for mainframe storage software, including DFSMS, DFSORT and DataCore SANSymphony, with a link to the TotalStorage Software Roadmap.
IBM Transaction Systems
Starting point for information on IBM transaction processing software, including CICS, IMS/TM, WebSphere MQ (formerly MQSeries) and TPF.
IBM-Main FAQ: Frequently-Asked Questions
Common questions and answers about the IBM-Main discussion list.
It was 40 Years Ago Today: Mainframe Celebrated
April 7, 2004, marks the 40th anniversary of the launch of the IBM System/360; programs and batch jobs written for the first S/360 would run on the IBM z890 mainframe announced today.
Jaqui's Papers & Presentations
10 years of technical conference papers and presentation notes by Jacqui Lynch of Circle4 Consulting. Performance, capacity planning and security, including VSAM, z/OS, Linux, TCP/IP and storage management.
Lemon Tree
An independent source of the latest news and other CICS technical information, including PTF status, articles, sample code and freeware.
Linux on zSeries
IBM home page for Linux on the eserver zSeries (mainframe).
LISTSERV at the University of Georgia
RACF-L: RACF Discussion List
LookAt Message Help Facility
IBM message lookup for z/OS, OS/390, z/VM and VSE/ESA. By operating system version number.
Mainframe Month On-line Journal
A free monthly publication from Xephon providing access to complete Adobe PDF copies of two year old editions of their fee-based technical journals covering CICS, DB2, MQ, z/OS, VSAM, RACF and TCP/SNA. Most articles include code, which can be downloaded for free from the site.
Mainframe Programming
Muraleedharan's links and abstracts of articles on systems software topics, including z/OS, DB2, CICS, DFSMS and RACF.
Mainframe Programming
Categorized page of links for IBM mainframe programmers.
Mainframe VM & VSE Page
Links compiled by Johan van Arendonk.
MainFrameForum: Mainframe Bulletin Boards
Categorized discussion forums as well as gateways to mainframe UseNet lists.
Mainframe programming information, including a large dictionary and links to downloads and manuals.
Mainstar Software: Resources
Although focused on z/OS storage management, many of the VSAM documents, for example, also apply to VSE/ESA and z/VM. White papers and other articles, much of it vendor-neutral.
Mike Murach's Mainframe Books
Publisher of books on COBOL, DB2, CICS, z/OS JCL, TSO, VSAM, IMS, and VSE/ESA. Sample chapters and code can be downloaded.
MQ Update
Xephon's monthly technical journal covering WebSphere MQ, formerly MQSeries. Older issues, including published code, available for free download.
MTS at Wayne State University
A 1996 introduction to the use of MTS for students.
MTS by Josh Simon
A University of Michigan-centric historic look at MTS, including a time line and anecdotes, as well as some information on the MERIT Network.
MTS by Mark Riordan
A collection of information and links on MTS and MERIT (Michigan Educational and Research Information Triad) Network, including the MTS Help section with its description of MTS commands and related user documentation.
MTS Era at the University of Alberta
A time line of computer-related events from 1971 to 1984, when MTS was the primary operating system at a Canadian university in Edmonton.
MTS Fostered Creation of Computing Community
Written in 1996, as MTS was being shut down at the University of Michigan, a look back at how MTS influenced computing over 30 years.
MTS in 1969
Pictures and a description of MTS as it was at the University of Michigan in 1969.
MTS: A Definition
A description of the Michigan Terminal System (MTS) operating system from an on-line mainframe-centric dictionary.
MTS: A History
Susan Topol's 1996 history of MTS from the University of Michigan perspective. Focuses on the early years.
NaSPA: Network and Systems Professionals Associati
User group. Primary focus is z/OS systems programming.
Operating Systems for IBM Mainframe Servers
IBM starting point for mainframe OSs. Links to home page of each OS, with brief descriptions: z/OS, z/OS.e, Linux on zSeries, z/VM, TPF and z/VSE.
RACF Glossary
A selection of terms, with definitions, taken from an appendix found in most IBM RACF manuals.
RACF Update Journal
Xephon's quarterly technical journal covering RACF and related security considerations. RACF is IBM's access control software for z/OS and z/VM. Older issues, including published code, available for free download. Click on RACF Links for Xephon's favorite Top 10 Web links.
Information on the CICS activities of the SHARE user group.
News, programming tips and technical information for z/OS and mainframe Linux applications and systems programmers.
TCP/SNA Update home page
Xephon's quarterly technical journal covering TCP/IP and SNA on the mainframe. Older issues, including published code, available for free download. Click on TCP Links for Xephon's favorite Top 10 Web links.
Technical IT Audit, Euro and Security Articles
Includes many mainframe-related articles. From Audit Serve.
Tivoli Glossary
Terms used by IBM subsidiary Tivoli. Glossary can be used on-line or downloaded in Adobe Acrobat .pdf file format.
TPF Family Libraries
Access to the IBM TPF Product Information Center, on-line manuals for TPF, TPFDF, EOCF/2, TPF Operations Server and IIOP Connect for TPF, and order information for CD-ROM and printed manuals.
TPF Resource Page
A collection of links to TPF, ALCS, ACP and other mainframe information and resources. From TravelGlobe.biz.
TPF: Transaction Processing Facility
IBM home page for TPF. Despite the name, TPF can be run as a stand-alone operating system on IBM mainframes.
Transaction Servers and Tools eNews
An IBM monthly publication focused almost entirely on CICS.
VSAM Demystified
An IBM redbook covering basics, performance, recovery and management, with sample code in an appendix. Viewable on-line or downloadable as an Adobe Acrobat .pdf file.
VTAM for z/VM and VSE/ESA
IBM home page for Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM); the z/OS version is part of Communications Server. Includes links to the latest version's announcement letter, documentation and storage estimates.
WAVV: World Alliance of VSE and VM
User group spun off from GUIDE in 1995 and similar to SHARE, with annual conference aimed mainly at VSE/ESA and z/VM systems programmers.
Large IBM product family encompassing middleware and other application delivery software that provides Web-based access to an organization's application software. Including WebSphere MQ, the former MQSeries.