english deutsch
KiSS Artists
Aragonite's KiSS Page, Laurestina, Lullaby for Destruction, Ritratto de Signora, Swiss Cheese Army, The Phases of the Moon, Yamina's Dolls Page
FoKs KiSS viewer
FoKS is a KiSS set viewer for Linux. It is able to load and display indexed, Cherry KiSS and enhanced palette sets.
Gnome KiSS!
"GnomeKiSS is an implementation of French-KiSS for the GNOME desktop environment".
Kissin Institute of Softwear
Site developing kisekae set system, FKiSS.Tools for Linux, Unix and KiSS.
The Big Kiss
Big site for KiSS paperdolls for your computer.
The Invisible KiSS Links
Directory for KiSS sites, resources, galleries, and archives.