english deutsch
An open-source emulator of S/370 and ESA/390 which runs under Linux on a Pentium PC.
Linux for S/390
Linux has joined the S/390 family of operating systems bringing a wealth of open source applications, middleware and trained talented developers to help you respond to your business challenges quicker than ever before.
Linux for S/390
Home of Think Blue Linux Distribution with RPMs of Linux applications for the S/390.
Linux for S/390
An IBM sponsored site at Marist College, provides precompiled kernel and disk images, installation instructions, and a QuickStart guide. A good place to got when you are ready to install Linux/390.
Linux for S/390
Official Linux on S/390 site with links and downloads.
Linux on Mainframe
Linux on Mainframe resource with technical articles,news,user account,message board and lot more..
Linux on S/390 project
The founders of Linux on S/390? They developed a LINUX on VM (the first?)
Linux on the IBM ESA/390 Mainframe Architecture
GNU/Linux Resources for the ESA/390 IBM Mainframe Architecture
Linux on the IBM S/390
Dr. Dobbs Article about excitement at Share 94 conference in March 2000 about Linux on the S/390 Mainframe.
Linux Resource Management and OS/390 Expectations
Resource Management means applying ACL quotas on all computing resources, as OS/390 users are used to doing. Linux (and Unix) has some RM capability being worked on.
Linux/390 at Princeton University
Linux/390 at Princeton University.
LinuxPlanet - Reports - S/390: The Linux Dream Mac
Article about bringing Linux to the S/390 mainframe world--and the results are practical and affordable.