GTK+ for Free PascalOfficial FreePascal GTK+ translation
Gtk+HaskellBindings for GTK+ for the functional programming language Haskell.
GTK--C++ interfaces and bindings for GTK+
Gtk-PerlPerl bindings for Gtk+/GNOME/libglade.
IntiIntegrated C++ Foundation Libraries, including Inti::GTK, a C++ GTK+ binding.
Java-GnomeJava GTK+ and Gnome bindings using JNI.
m3gtkA Modula-3 binding to the Gtk+ toolkit
mGTKSML (Standard ML) bindings for GTK+
MlGtkAn interface between Ocaml (a dialect of ML) and the Gtk+ toolkit
PyGTKPython Bindings for the GTK+ Widget Set
rep-gtkGTK+ bindings for Librep Lisp
Ruby/GTK+Official GTK+ extension library for Ruby.
TclGtkA project to provide Tcl with access to the Gtk GUI library
TkLuaA binding Tk to Lua. [Freeware]
TOM/GtkA Gtk bindings for TOM programs.
VDKBuilderA Rapid Application Development tool based on VDK, the Visual Development Kit, a C++ wrapper to GTK+.