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An Introduction to WMI
Tim Huckaby introduces to the Windows Management Instrumentation and shows how you can use it with Windows Script Host to execute process on remote Web servers.
developerWorks: Java technology : Management Appli
Paul Monday looks at the Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) initiative.
developerWorks: Java technology : Management Appli
In this conclusion to his three-part series on building management applications, Paul Monday shows how to combine and leverage the best parts of Jiro technology and the Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) initiative.
Industry Leaders Form Group to Promote Open Source
Participants in the WBEMsource initiative include The Open Group, Sun Microsystems, Caldera International, the Storage Networking Industry Association , and the b4wbem project. Press Release at snia.org.
Inside Windows Management Interface
WMI implements Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) technology to offer an extensible data-collection and management facility that lets you manage local and remote systems composed of arbitrary components. Article for Windows2000 Magazine by Mark Russinovich.
Managing Windows with WMI
Article in MSDN
Microsoft Windows Management Instrumentation and S
Article in MSDN
Microsoft Windows Management Instrumentation Scrip
Presents overviews of the Common Information Model (CIM) and the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) architecture. Includes an in-depth discussion on the WMI scripting API and sample scripts through WSH. Article at the MSDN.
Network and Systems Management with XML
As a result of the Web-based Enterprise Management movement, XML is rapidly becoming a crucial technology for management application interoperability and presentation. Article in Networkmagazine.
SAN management using CIM and WBEM
By Steve Jerman and John Crandall. Two standards may alleviate management headaches for both end users and management software developers.
Snia Offers Open Source Object Manager for Enterpr
The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) has made available an open source Common-Information-Model (CIM) Object Manager. An Online-Article at java.sun.com.
Sun Microsystems Makes Major Code Contribution to
Article at PRNewswire.com about Sun and its WBEM strategy.
Take charge with Windows Management Instrumentatio
An article in "Active Server Developer's Journal".
TechWeb - News: Enterprise Management Gets Web Sta
Industry body finalizes specification for open enterprise management data exchange.
Techweb Today - Solaris To Support WBEM Spec
An Article by Jeffrey Schwartz published in InternetWeek.
Understanding WBEM and JMAPI
Guidelines to help vendors realize the promise of Web technology in net management tools. By Theo Forbath Network World, 5/5/97
WBEM - Conference
An Introduction to WBEM/WMI. Online Presentations are available.
WBEM Absorbs Desktop
An Article by Tim Wilson published in InternetWeek.
WBEM and JMAPI on the rise - SunWorld - November 1
WBEM and JMAPI on the rise -- SunWorld, November 1996
WBEM makes slow but steady progress-6/22/98
LAN Times Online (6/22/98) WBEM makes slow but steady progress: DMTF takes over development of Web-based management standard with promises of compliant tools by summer By Monica Snell
WBEM/CIM and SNMP - what each has to offer
From software to services - making management work By Barb Goldworm Network World Fusion Focus on Network/Systems Management
WBEM: The Heart Of SMS
Article in InformationWeek Online at May 11, 1998 WBEM: The Heart Of SMS By Richard Adhikari
What is WBEM?
In 1996, BMC Software, Cisco Systems, Compaq Computer, Intel, and Microsoft sponsored the Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) initiative, an effort to provide a unifying mechanism for describing and sharing management information. Article by Greg Todd.
Windows Management Instrumentation
Tim Huckaby introduces to the Windows Management instrumentation (WMI).
Windows Management Instrumentation and the Common
Article in MSDN
Windows Management Instrumentation and the Common
Presents an overview of the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) technology, an implementation of the Web-based Enterprise Management (WBEM) initiative for Microsoft Windows operating systems. It also discusses the Common Information Model (CIM), and the architecture of the Windows Management Instrumentation technology.
XML: Sun Solaris Supports WBEM
Sun to Implement Web-Based Enterprise Management Standards in Solaris Operating Environment Industry Leaders Applaud Sun's Embrace of Emerging WBEM Standards PALO ALTO, California. June 08, 1999.