Win32 (95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP) dynamic DNS updater that runs as an NT service with remote administration.
DynSite for Windows
Shareware DynDNS Client for Windows platform
EzDNS IP Address E-mailer/Poster
An IP Poster that posts/emails both your local and outside IP addresses.
Macintosh Dynamic DNS Client
Program that works in conjunction with Dynamic DNS Providers to send the IP Address to the provider whenever it changes.
NetCruiser Dynamic Domain
Award winning Dynamic DNS Client for the Windows/MS platform. Update Client
Dynamic Update client for Mac/Linux/Windows
Windows Dynamic DNS Client supports many dynamic DNS services. Program is offered in a Windows service, desktop client and lite version.
StaticCling client - StaticCharge.
Clients available for MacOS, OSX, Windows, and Unix desktops.