Chats and Forums
Flop For Love Of PSP, Nebulus Designs Forums, PSPIZ Challenge Forum, Raven's Paint Shop Pro, Tag Makers Forums, Yahoo! Groups : PSP-Tubies, Yahoo! Groups : PSPClass2, Yahoo! Groups : Sharing with PSPmadeEZ
FAQs, Help, and Tutorials
'Sweet As' Designs By Lyn, 1960 PCUG Graphics, 2LL Designs, 5th Power Instructions, Aesthetic Web, Alicia's Place, Ally's Country Home, Andrew's Resource Center, Angie's Art, Animated Mouse Blowing Bubbles Tutorial
Blade Pro, Kai Power Tools, AFH, Alien Skin Software, AmphiSoft, Andromeda Software, AutoEye, AV Bros. Software, DC Plugin Filters, Fantastic Machines, Flaming Pear, GrafoManiac
Abstract Dimensions, Misses BeeHaven, Paint Shop Pro Interactive Zone, Paint Shop Pro Users Group, Plus PSP, PSP For All, The Plugin Site
5th Street Studio, AmeriYank's Graphics Farm, Angel in Your Pocket, Ann's Graphics, Aqua Blu's Tubes, Avalontree, CCD's Tube Heaven, Chaotic Graphics, Connie's Creations, Country Design
5th Street Studio
Blade Pro presets, selections, tubes, wallpaper, and presets, tutorials and scripts for PSP 8.
Offers, PSP 5 tutorials, plugins, scripts, resources and links for creating individual graphics and animations.
AJ's Graphics
Several background sets, hints and tips and a few tubes for PSP.
AP Graphics
Offers tubes, graphics, masks, and Jiggle tutorial or Mask 1 and 2 tutorials for PSP7.
Back Porch Country Graphics
Tubes and tutorials covering selection and vectoring for primitive country graphics. Paid membership is required to access.
Barrys Place
PSP tubes, tutorials and an interactive discussion forum. Freebies area with plenty tubes for download. Subscription required for unlimited access.
Calif Designz
PSP tubes and tutorials, web background sets, and signature tags. Custom graphics, business graphics, and web design portfolio.
Cartoon Warehouse
Provides free vector graphic cartoon components for PSP 7, like eyes, noses, ears, heads, and hairdos.
CatShoe Graphics
Offering a variety of graphics including, PSP tubes, Blade Pro presets, greetings, email attachments, and logos.
Daydreamers Designs
Tutorials for beginners to intermediate users, websets, downloads and links.
Tubes and Blade Pro and Super Blade Pro presets, web graphics, clipart, and desktop art with celtic and pagan themes.
Design Spot
A number of textures, tutorials, tubes, Blade Pro presets and masks to use with PSP.
Designs by Donna
Mixture of PSP sculpture presets, tutorials, tubes, brushes and Blade Pro presets. Free web page graphics and line art.
Designs by Tracirose
Offers tubes from Mark's fresh floral scans and tubes from the old Hoods Tube site. Also providing tutorials, Blade Pro presets, and web sets.
Diana Free Tubes
Free picture tubes in png format, tutorials, brushes, masks, gallery, textures, clipart, Blade Pro presets, 3D models, props, and GIF animations.
Dianne's Place
Illustrated PSP tutorials, free stationery for Outlook Express, and Blade Pro presets.
Dixie Lady
Graphics, animations, PSP tubes, tutorials, digital oils, and tube links.
PSP tutorials, pluging, Splat! tutorials and frames. Also hosts several of Joe Cilinceon tutorials.
Dizzinz Studio
PSP tubes, brushes and presets, large collection of tutorials for beginners, interface graphics, Outlook Express stationery, dingbats, linkware and purchaseware web sets.
Elfenvald Enterprises
PSP tubes, free graphics, Blade Pro presets, gallery and tips.
Fluttrby Designs
Outlook Express 5 and EML stationery, PSP tutorials and tubes, backgrounds for web use, recipe exchange, and offers free consultation for new web site development.
Gallery Estazia
PSP graphics, tubes, tutorials, backgrounds for web and stationary. Globes and applet images.
Goddess Goodies
Several tutorials, tubes and presets for PSP. As well as Sailormoon and Anime layouts, transparent GIFs, tiled backgrounds, buttons, and banners for web pages.
Grafx Design
Digital graphics and web graphics tips, techniques and tutorials.
Guffy Creek
Linkware snow globes, seamless tiles, hotbar skins and PSP tutorials and tubes, and KPT 5 Shapeshifter Presets.
Havasu Hideout
Tubes and tutorials for PSP 7, web page backgrounds, and calling card.
Impression's of Shydove
Gallery made with PSP plus tutorials, downloads, frames and masks.
Jacinda's Place
Large collection of tutorials for PSP 5/6/7, snow applet, frames and OE5 stationery.
Jan's Designs
Offering tutorials, brushes, textures, masks, preset shapes, and frames. Also, free graphics for use on personal websites.
Joe Cilinceon - New Dawn Micro
Tutorials, filters, Blade Pro Presets, frame set, and gallery of art work.
Jojo's Corner
Offering country PSP tubes, tips and tutorials, and seamless tiles.
Jovi Girls PSP Place
Share PSP tubes, fonts, glitter, mask links and information.
Jumpin Jacks Flash Designs
Tubes for PSP 5, 6, and 7 in .psp format, tutorials, frames, stationery, Super Blade Pro presets, and clipart of colored bears.
Original hand drawn tubes, tutorials, printables, links, gradients, and patterns
Keyes Graphics
Tutorials, tubes, gallery, web page backgrounds, and wallpaper in 800x600 format.
Krafty Kards
PSP tubes, tutorials covering making an animated love note, Angel and interface tubes and several others, wallpapers, and Web design.
Kreative Klutter
PSP 7 tutorials, tubes, free graphics, Yahoo and Hotbar skins, printables that include notepads, recipe cards, bookmarks and several others.
Lelia's Loft
Free PSP tubes, Super Blade Pro presets and Blade Pro presets, backgrounds, slats, and envelopes. Also offering free web sets, and exclusive sets as well.
Mary's Graphics
Snow and lake applets, snow globes and tutorials for PSP.
Mary's Sea of Dreams
Collection of tubes, resource links, and tutorials for versions 6/7 covering creating a transparent GIF, embossed backgrounds, raindrops images, edges, stain glass and transparent fonts.
Michelles Page
Collection of related links, tutorials, tubes, clip art, fonts, and waves files.
Midwinter's Dream Graphics
PSP tubes and tutorials, Angel Whisper adoptions, Expressions Friendship plaques gifts, snow globe bases, and themed sets for personal home pages.
Mousing Around with Lady in Black
Mouse drawn tubes for versions 7 and 8, tutorials that cover making a Fairy to creating an egg cottage.
Nanson's Place
Offering tips and tutorials, gradients, seamless tiles, shape, tubes, gallery of artwork, and links to other related tutorials sites.
NDC Web Design
Tubes and brushes, Blade Pro and Super Blade Pro presets. Professional web site design services.
Newbie-Hangout - Paint Shop Pro Community
PSP tutorials, tubes, animation, free graphics, backgrounds, and links to other resources.
Paint Shop Pro
Graphics application by Corel that can be used for anything from creating simple images to complex, multi-layered graphics by combining raster-based and vector-based graphics technology into one program. Offers free download, tutorials, support, and upgrades.
Paint Shop Pro List
Subscribe here to the PSP mailing list at LSoft.
Paint Shop ProPourri
Tutorials, Blade Pro presets, brushes, and tubes for PSP users.
Providing tutorials, tubes for version 7, wood fills, PSP projects, and poetry.
PSP Art Resources
Tutorials, tips, tubes, masks, and links related to PSP and web design.
Psp Mania
Web site for the newsgroup to find PSP tubes, mask and backgrounds and web sets, and all things related. As well as tutorials from beginner to advanced.
PSP Power
A weekly newsletter where one can find news, tips, and tricks needed to master the program.
PSP Resources
Collection of links to tutorials, picture tubes, custom brushes and e-Books for PSP 5, 6 and 7, all indexed by subject.
Tutorials, newsletter and links to tubes, tutorials, and members pages.
Reflections of my Heart
Variety of PSP tutorials, tubes, applets, poems, web sets, BG and globes for adoption.
Robin's Web Design Resource
Resources, tutorials, Blade Pro Presets, software and books, also web design tutorials.
Sheas Creations
Paint Shop Users Group, tutorials, and web sets. Request custom graphics.
Sissywoods Place
Vector shapes, tutorials, seamless tiles, and 3D plants in .obj format.
Sparks Creations
Tubes made from various art, clipart and scanned images. Also provides tutorials, sig tags, and adoptable dollz.
Star Gazer Graphics
Currently offer things such as PSP 7 tutorials, tubes, tips and how to section, along with some great links to PSP resources.
Tephra's Web Studio
An array of assorted graphic related items such as PSP tutorials, Blade Pro presets, plugin filters, webpage backgrounds, textures, and vector shapes.
Them Gem Dings
Gems, jewelry, dings, doo dads, sparkles, lace, Blade Pro presets, frames, globe bases, masks, and mouse drawn corners.
Time on my Hands
Alien Skins Splat frames and textures, PSP brushes, and screensavers free for download. Splat frame can be used in PSP.
Titan PSP
PSP resource site with tutorials, interfaces, wallpapers, tubes, and masks.
Val's Visions
PSP tubes, brushes, tutorials and html tutorials. Free graphics and html help using PSP and Netscape Composer.
Welcome to Country City
Free country graphics, PSP 7 tutorials and tubes, linkware web sets, stationery, and blanks. Cross-stitch, quilt and appliqué, patterns, and charts.
Wintermoons Kreative Expressionz
Tubes and tutorials for PSP 7/8 arranged in categories from a drop down menu, blinkies, and sig-tags.
Wonderful World of Graphics
Offering, free PSP tubes, Super Blade Pro presets, stationery, email signature tags, and blinkies.
Offering tubes of plates, holiday, and quilt and sewing Items, and tutorials.
Yourwebness' Cyber Corner
Tubes, tutorials, flood fills, blank tags, gallery of name tags and creations.
Yvonne's PSP Creations
Selection of brushes, frames, gradients, masks, patterns and tubes, also OE Stationery.