english deutsch
Advanced Filing Systems
Provides records management software with barcode tracking and document imaging technology.
Allied Infotech Corporation
Microfilms business records, sells new and used microfilm readers and reader-printers and provides off-site record management.
Provider of records management and document management systems
Database Constructs
Records Manager - database for the daily management of documents and visibility of the legalities required for their retention and disposal.
Business archives and records management services.
Firehouse Software
A Windows-based software application for fire department records management.
Heritage Companies
Records management, document scanning, storage, retrieval, and destruction and COLD Processing.
O'Neil Software
Supplier of commercial record center software.
Objective Corporation
Modular integrated information management system incorporating document management, workflow, records management and web content management. From departmental to enterprise-wide use; 25 to 5,000 users. Internet-enabled.
OmniRIM Solutions, Inc.
Makers of a modular records and information management suite for managing enterprise records.
Record Center Software, Inc.
Records management software packages for both commercial and corporate record centers, utilizing bar code technology to track active and inactive records.
SK Visual Knowledge, Inc.
Software to write, manage, report and publish records retention schedules.
Tower Software
Manufacturers of TRIM, a complete records and electronic document management system providing workflow and enterprise capabilities. News, product information, and downloads.
Content and records management solutions for Microsoft Exchange and AutoRecords, product is DOD certified for records management.