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Free software developers advocate. The goal of the site is to serve as a community resource for free software developers around the world, as well as a research testbed for work on group trust metrics.
Altern Digital
A weblog about what it means to develop software. Archived posts in English and Spanish, current posts in Spanish only.
Andrew Francis
A blog discussing how to write better software: software development project management, coding techniques, methodologies, and tips and tricks, amongst others.
A weblog about software development tools and methodologies.
Blog regarding software engineering and its theories and practices.
The Zen of XML and .NET written by a MSDN Regional Director. Muses on design patterns and software architecture and development.
Notes on programming from Coté
Community of and articles by web developers. Covers all areas of professional web design. Also, all existing web browsers are available for downloading.
Forever Geek
Site covering programming, Windows, Apple, and Open Source software daily, and Internet technologies.
Geek Noise
Peter Provost's blog dedicated to programming, Microsoft .NET and other technology news.
John Lam's weblog on software development.
Joel on Software
A weblog by Joel Spolsky, a programmer working in New York City, about software and software companies.
Sanjay's Journal of Coding Tips
Focused on software engineering and programming/coding tips.
Discussion of information and tools for Windows-based software development.
Programming and publishing news and commentary by computer book author Rogers Cadenhead.