english deutsch
Aas, Gisle
Author of modules such as libwww-perl, and employee of ActiveState. Provides personal information and contact details.
Bankgok Perl Mongers
Contains related links, advocacy, reviews, and source code, with contact addresses and regional information. Located in Thailand.
Personal info. Perl scripts and modules. Networking links.
Brown, Peter F.
Specializes in Perl and MySQL Web Database Programming. He's the author of "FutureSQL", an Open Source web interface to MySQL databases. Programs with sources, poems.
Curtin, Matt
Author of the CGI Programming in Perl chapter for 'Unix Unleashed, Internet Edition'. Includes CGI scripts that he has written.
Hackerott, Michael
Resume. Introductions to programming with Perl , Perl OOP, and Perl modules. Favorite freeware and shareware links.
Jenkins, Stephen B. (Erudil)
Senior programmer/analyst for the National Research Council, Canada. Links, publications, and obfuscated code he has written.
Contains sysadmin scripts he has written, links, and an obfuscation tutorial.
Koval, Yuri
Simple Perl scripts (ScannerX, Mail Finder). Photos, stereo photos. Home-made Monty Python movie.
Kranendonk, Len
About, photos, hobbies and work. Short Perl course available in Dutch. Collection Perl oneliners. Also Perl links.
Learning Perl
Weblog of PHP programmer's experiences of mastering Perl.
Lindstrom, Nathan W.
Details about himself and links to his other sites, projects, and Perl programs.
Meltzer, Kevin
Author of 'Writing CGI Applications with Perl' book. Resume, author's articles, Perl poetry, list Perl books author suggest read.
OkIDaN's Perl Paradise
Site is all about perl, hacking, cryptography and computer security. Original perl scripts and tools, hacking tutorials, cryptography and links.
Small collection of Perl scripts focusing on spam abatement and hacker deterrence for the Linux system administrator. Also iptables firewall configuration and Sendmail configuration.
Rimmer, Nathan
Bio. Internet Connection Analyser, slideshow Perl scripts.
Roux, Stephane - haBEtt
Articles about web programming with Perl, philosophy of web design and more or less abstract subjects.
Ruzmetov, Sherzod
Author of several Perl modules. Writes about Web and programming for the Web. About. Photo gallery. Site archive with book reviews, daily endeavors, documentations, technical reports, tutorials.
Salcher, Michael
A few Perl scripts: a picture gallery, a graphical counter or a guestbook. Also book review, poems, computer games sections.
Stein, Lincoln
Researcher at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY, who has written popular modules such as CGI.pm and GD.pm. Includes software he has written and transcripts of talks he has given.
Willamowius, Jan - Jan's Perl Tools
Collection of Perl modules for handling currencies and other Perl realted stuff.