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Secure Downloads
A file download manager add-on that is designed to work with sites running vBulletin-based forums with no code modifications.
The vBulletin Fan Community
Made for and by vB fans. Interviews, news, articles, guides and discussions.
vB Webmaster
Forum for vBulletin Forum webmasters, administrators and moderators. Learn and discuss how to build, optimize, promote, customize, manage and profit from your forum.
Features templates, import messages from other systems, search, unlimited forums, email notification, smilies, user profiles, moderators, user groups, private forums, word censor, private messaging, and user ban. [Commercial]
vBulletin webmaster community
Supplies non-official support for users of vBulletin. Thousands of members provide hacks and upgrades.
Site for modifications of vBulletin-templates.