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OO prototype-based, reflective language, based on only message passing, a key trait of OO languages; it allows late-binding polymorphism, the key trait making possible incremental modifying of programs. Descriptions, papers, implementations: Smalltalk, C++, Java, Scheme; MiniMix.
High-level, pure object-oriented, prototype based, scripting language; Smalltalk-like syntax; some features borrowed from Scheme, Self, JavaScript. [Open Source, LGPL]
Was Poe: prototype inheritance language and OO virtual machine for building network-accessible programs for multiple programmers, users, agents. Persistence and garbage collection are automatic and transparent. [Open Source, GPL]
A runtime-extensible language built on top of SML/NJ designed for building collaborative environments. Supports dynamic delegation with multiple dispatch, several useful datatypes, inline ML, and checkpoint persistence.
NewtonScript Papers
Papers about and related to NewtonScript, the prototype-based language for Newton PDA.
Object-based PLs
By Rainer Blome. Alphabetized list with descriptions of, and links to, many prototype-based languages.
Small, embeddable interpreter, mostly Scheme R4RS conformant, with extensions: supports prototype-based object model, some POSIX system calls, compilable in secure mode.
Prototype-based Languages
Text table compares about 20 languages, with links: Agora, Amulet, Cecil/Vortex, Cel, Garnet, GlyphicScript, Io, JavaScript, Kevo, Lua, Merlin, Moostrap, NewtonScript, Obliq, Omega, OScheme, Poe, Self, SK8.
Language-OS based on CLOS, Self, Smalltalk; Smalltalk syntax; libraries inspired by Common Lisp, Dylan, Strongtalk (strong typing). Descriptions, programming manual, tutorials, summaries, bulletin board Swiki, CVS. [Open Source, LGPL]