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Magazines and E-zines
ACM Crossroads: Object-Oriented Programming featur, JOOP
Agora, Brain, Mica, MLud, NewtonScript Papers, Object-based PLs, OScheme, Prototype-based Languages, Slate
Needle, Nova
A Programming Language for Communicating Distribut
Fascinating proposal for a very compact folding CDO language: Seentacks? We don't need no stinkin' Seentacks!
A dynamically compiled, object-oriented programming language and environment, especially suited for web applications.
Multiply-polymorphic modular language with highy flexible syntax. Unique inheritance model allows multiple inheritance, multiple polymorphism, constrained genericity, and covariant attributes via immutability. Due to identityless nature of types, a type can have an infinite number of supertypes and subtypes.
Language with objects, interfaces, parameterized types, no inheritance, operator overloading, generators, static instantiation, compiled to C; descriptions, source code, examples, compiler.
Cetus Links: Languages
Over 11,000 links on objects and components.
An object-oriented extension to the C language which solves many of the problems associated with C++.
Homepage for the open source Elaya compiler project.
The official web site for the Heron programming language. Contains the specification, a tutorial, related articles.
A blog on news and developments regarding the Heron programming language.
Heron-Centric: Ruminations of a Language Designer
A blog which covers language design issues and software development techniques regarding the Heron programming language as well as similar languages like Java and C++.
Project creating a object oriented programming language which is easy to learn for the beginner.
Experimental object-oriented programming language; looks and feels much like the original Smalltalk, adds features to specify access to object detail.
An experimental, innovative, object-oriented, interpretive programming language and an associated programming environment LavaPE which provides syntax-sensitive point-and-click style structure editors instead of text editors for program editing.
Programming language with automatic memory management, simple class structure, large library, working example programs, compiler and debugger for Windows. The website has sample code, trial software and technical information.
Lush: Lisp Universal SHell
An object-oriented programming language designed for researchers, experimenters, and engineers interested in large-scale numerical and graphic applications. Lush wrapping three languages into one: (1) a weakly-typed, garbage-collected, dynamically scoped, interpreted language with Lisp-like syntax, (2) a strongly-typed, lexically-scoped compiled language that uses the same Lisp-like syntax, and (3) the C language, which can be freely mixed with Lush code within a single program, even within a single function.
Ruby-like expressivity + static type checks, a la Haskell. [Open Source, GPL]
merd: SourceForge
Practical futuristic language: Ruby-like expressiveness with Haskell-like static type checks. Coded in ML, runs on Linux. [Open Source, GPL]
Modular Programming Languages
By Hanspeter Mössenböck; Springer-Verlag, 1997, ISBN 3540625992. Refereed proceedings, Joint Modular Languages Conference, JMLC'97; Linz, Austria; 24 revised full papers; languages, techniques, tools to develop modular, extensible, type-safe software systems; Modula, Oberon, Ada 95, Eiffel, Sather, Java, others. [Springer-Verlag]
OO language based on, integrated with, Java (compiler produces java bytecode); features of functional programming, implements state-of-art results from academic research, for more expressivity, modularity, safety. [Open source, GPL]
An interactive geomatic object oriented language for spatial modeling, image processing, remote sensing, digital photogrammetry, geographic information system (GIS), geodesy, and surveying and mapping.
A new object-oriented language. Development website, with some documentation, a forum, announcement from developpers. Sources. [Open source, GPL]
Concise, simple OO language for teaching; and study of semantics of inheritance, and OO languages in denotational style, later became subject of research on type inference systems and abstract machines. [Open Source]
Object Oriented FAQ: Object FAQ
Comp.Object FAQ (Object FAQ) is the most comprehensive resource on object technology anywhere.
Object Oriented Programming in C
Paul Field's fine, clear paper, published in C Vu 4:1 (November 1991), on how to use an object-like discipline with a procedural language.
Object Oriented Programming: A guide for the begin
Tutorial teaching basics of object oriented programming. Tailored to no one specific language, but examples are in C++, Java, Modula-2.
Object Technology
General introduction; documenting; suppliers, consulting firms, consortia; patterns, frameworks, class libraries; distributed objects; languages; databases; operating systems; modeling, methodologies; publications, people.
Objects on the Web: Designing, Building, and Deplo
By Ron Ben-Naton.
OO Language Page
Includes links to information on OOPLs, user group and JDK, IDE and libraries.
OOP 2005 Conference
(January 2005) presents object-based solutions in an expansive and fully comprehensive forum for users, experts and leading vendors.
Open Spice
An openly available specification of programming language with some nice XML processing features. Imlementations.
Planet Source Code
Lets OOP programmers submit code for review by other programmers; many source code samples to help educate beginners on many concepts; contests where programmers vote for the most efficient, useful code recently submitted.
A full-featured semi-dynamic object oriented language. [Open source, GPL]
Compiled object-oriented language fully based on XML syntax; conforms to XML version 1.0 specification as published by W3C. Descriptions, documents, FAQ, downloads, links. [Open Source, LGPL]
Survey of Object Oriented Programming Languages
Article by Chris Hostetter. This paper was intended as a learning experience for the author, in an attempt to better understand the history and development of Object Oriented Programming Languages.
The Object-Oriented Page
Large, well researched list of OO issues, languages, projects, and links. Excellent resource.
UnrealScript Language Reference
High level, simple, Java-style, object-oriented, compile time error checking; native support for major concepts of time, state, properties, networking, which few languages address, to greatly simplify code. Mainly for games.
(formerly named Longjing) A general-purpose, concurrent, object-oriented, functional logic programming language, with a conventional systax similar to that of Java, C#, C++.
VIRT Laboratory
Makes VIRT: general purpose, imperative, object-oriented language, with a new technology of dynamic data structure processing; lets you process dynamic data structures (lists, trees, more) effectively with no pointers. Ensures laconic and uniform notation lets you hide memory allocation/deallocation mechanisms.
Webopedia: Object-oriented programming
Defines the term 'object-oriented programming', lists some links where you can get more information.
WebReference.com: Class-Based vs. Prototype-Based
Brief explanation by Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
What is Object-Oriented Software: An Introduction
Simple explanations for object newbies.