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All About JavaScript
An article covering JS, SSJS, NAS, and how they compare and work together with other technologies
All About SendMail
How to use the SendMail object to programmatically send plain text, html, and MIME-compliant email messages with or without attachments.
Creating Dynamic Client Side Dependent List Boxes
Macromedia technote.
Creativyst JSMsg Webpage Display Convention
Defines a JavaScript file convention that allows dynamically changing content to be shared with external scripts and HTML ("clients") without restricting how the client formats content.
Debugging JavaScript
By Makiko Itoh.
Debugging JavaScript programs
at JavaWorld by Gordon McComb. A quick reference guide that helps you find errors, even without the aid of a debugging utility.
Digital Web Magazine - Scripting
JavaScript articles from Digital Web Magazine.
Javascript articles with scripts. Also links.
Events in JavaScript: An Inside Look
An article which looks closely at using JavaScript to handle events and at how events differ between the various browsers.
How to avoid problems with case-sensitive URL&apos
Create a 404-file that converts the URL into lowercase, using JavaScript.
IBoost journal - JavaScript
Introducing JScript.NET
Describes how the JScript language will evolve to take advantage of the new .NET platform. By Andrew Clinick, Microsoft Corporation.
Introduction to JavaScript Popup Windows
By Martin Webb.
Introduction to Server-Side JavaScript
Streaming Audio presentation. Learn how to use Server-Side JavaScript: Topics covered include the difference between client-side and server-side JavaScript, the benefits of SSJS, and the how to compile and run your first application.
over 100 JavaScript articles
JavaScript and Web Site Usability
An Interview with JavaScript Guru, Mr. Danny Goodman.
JavaScript Date Object Techniques
By Danny Goodman. The purpose of this article is to explain the concepts behind JavaScript's Date object and describe a few practical implications of this object in both plain and forms-based HTML pages.
Javascript Tips Index
javascript related mini-tutorials, tips, and tricks.
JavaScripts in Y2K ?
Some date-related JavaScripts have unnoticeably fallen prey to the Y2K bug. Follow along as we show you how to write or fix the JavaScripts on your site for Y2K compatibility.
OOP in JavaScript.
The article introduces the object model of the JavaScript programming language and demonstrates common practices in the OOP (object oriented programming) with the JavaScript.
Protecting Your SSJS Applications with a Directory
If a user accesses your SSJS application and requests your .web file, it will be delivered to them. The .web file is composed of all HTML, client-side JavaScript, and server-side JavaScript in your application (the server-side JavaScript has been compiled into JavaScript byte codes). The purpose of this technote is to show you how to prevent users from retrieving your .web application files.
Reusable Routines for Server-Side JavaScript
provides practical advice based on real-world development experience, by giving pointers and code that will help you with the development phase of your projects.
Server-Side JavaScript Application Design Tips
discusses design tips for constructing solid, flexible web applications that are easy to maintain.
Server-Side JavaScript Object Road Map and Compati
This quick reference document shows every Netscape Enterprise Server object with its properties and methods as implemented in Enterprise Server 2 and 3. Core JavaScript objects, functions, and statements are also included for handy reference.
Smooth animation using DHTML
Taking an in-depth look at cross-browser cross-platform DHTML performance using a simple animation test. Full description of the tests as well as source code, all tests are also available.
SSJS / NAS Coexistence and Migration
This technote will demonstrate how to call a Netscape Application Server (NAS) AppLogic from server-side JavaScript (SSJS).
Text Fading with Color Selection
Explains how to create a fading text script with a selectable fade color. An example is also available.