Batik SVG Toolkit
The project's ambition is to give developers a set of core modules which can be used together or individually to support specific SVG solutions. Example modules are, SVG parsers, SVG generators and SVG DOM implementations. [Open Source, BSD-like]
BitFlash Graphics, Inc.
Provider of mobile SVG viewer called BitFlash VIS. [Commercial]
A collection of utilities that do various things with Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files, including SVG viewer, an implementation of the SVG DOM (conforming to Document Object Model Level 2 ) and a utility for rendering an SVG document into various image formats. [Open Source, Apache Software License]
Provider of AgileBlox Chart, SVG graphics library. [Commercial]
Library and components featuring maps, gantt charts, charts, diagrams, graph layout and editors that read, edit and generate SVG.
SVG Salamander
An SVG engine for Java that's designed to be small, fast, and allow programmers to use it with a minimum of fuss. [Open source, LGPL]