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Batik SVG Toolkit
The project's ambition is to give developers a set of core modules which can be used together or individually to support specific SVG solutions. Example modules are, SVG parsers, SVG generators and SVG DOM implementations. [Open Source, BSD-like]
BitFlash Graphics, Inc.
Provider of mobile SVG viewer called BitFlash VIS. [Commercial]
A collection of utilities that do various things with Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files, including SVG viewer, an implementation of the SVG DOM (conforming to Document Object Model Level 2 ) and a utility for rendering an SVG document into various image formats. [Open Source, Apache Software License]
Provider of AgileBlox Chart, SVG graphics library. [Commercial]
Library and components featuring maps, gantt charts, charts, diagrams, graph layout and editors that read, edit and generate SVG.
Apache SVG browser project. [Apache]
SVG Salamander
An SVG engine for Java that's designed to be small, fast, and allow programmers to use it with a minimum of fuss. [Open source, LGPL]