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Apache JServSSI Project
Describes the predecessor to JSP technology; includes syntax and distribution. [Open Source, BSD-like]
100% pure Java publishing framework servlet that relies on new W3C technologies (such as DOM, XML, and XSL) to provide web content. Includes an alternative to JSP which more cleanly separates logic from content, and is explicitly designed for piping, unlike JSP. [Open Source, BSD-like]
Disco Web Driver
Server side scripting language, powered by a general purpose Java servlet. Uses HTML style syntax similar to Cold Fusion or Informix WebConnect. Supports JDBC database connectivity and email clients. [Commercial]
Java template engine; a generic tool to generate text output (HTML, RTF, and source code) based on templates. Particularly practical for servlet-based Web applications following the MVC pattern. [Open-source, BSD-style]
Allows developers to embed Java scripting elements inside of text documents in order to generate dynamic text-based output. [Free for open source project]
A simple yet powerful template language. Tea is most commonly used for creating dynamic web pages in the TeaServlet. [Open Source, Apache-like]
The Rich Mens Document Management System (rm -d ms
XML/XSL based document management system designed for running websites. Server side application logic is implemented by XSL stylesheets, which may call hard-coded components. [Open Source, GPL]
WebMacro Servlet Framework
A server-side scripting engine. It uses Java introspection to make any object in your servlet accessible in your scripted template. [Open Source, GPL/Commercial]