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A Minimalistic Guide to Java Development Using Jak
A beginner's guide for how to use Ant.
Pure Java build tool, simpler and easier to use than GNU Make. Also it runs many tasks including the javac compiler inside the same VM, so it can compile a large directory tree in seconds. [Open Source, BSD-like]
Ant User Mailing LIst Archive
Archives ANT user mailing list and offers another view of the list.
Ant-contrib project
SourceForge project for potential ant contributions. Currently consists of a C/C++ compilation task and various logical tasks.
Form-based input for Ant scripts. Provides tasks for creating input forms, wizards and menus. Supports a variety of widgets ranging from simple text to calendar controls.
A tool that ensures a controlled build process and promotes the sharing of knowledge within an organization. It is compatible with version 1.3 and 1.4 of Ant. [Open Source, Urbancode Public License (Mozile-like)]
An open-source tool to set up a continuous build process using Ant.
DTD for Ant
An extensible DTD for Ant buildfiles.
A set of tools to create a visual representation of Ant target dependencies. It works by taking an Ant build file and creating a "dot" file. It relying on the Ant API rather than XML parsing to get the dependencies.
Incremental Development with Ant and JUnit
Article by Malcolm Davis at IBM DeveloperWorks.
A build management tool designed to eliminate the need for XML scripting while empowering developers with the robust functionality of ANT. By Catalyst Systems Corporation. [Commercial]
Optional task to process XSL Transformations (XSLT). Uses XT. [Open Source]