english deutsch
An Object-Relational mapping framework working with relational databases. [Open Source]
A pure Java fully SQL/92 compliant ORDBMS. [Commercial]
IBM Cloudscape
Pure java database management system for distributed, embedded, mobile computing applications. [Commercial]
Inprise JDataStore
A Pure Java, Object Relational Database Management System for use in Web, mobile or embedded database applications. [Commercial]
Initially began as a solution for Object/Relational persistence. Supporting this involved the creation of many utility classes and tools that could be used to accelerate any application development effort. [Open source, LGPL]
ObjectStore EdgeXtend
Provides a distributed data caching infrastructure that is automatically generated using model-driven, object-relational mapping tools. This data access and caching layer eliminates bottlenecks in custom enterprise applications by optimizing relational database access. [Commercial]
Sav Zigzag
Web ORDBMS with Zigzag language for object, relational and XML data manipulation. [Free for non-commercial]
Cross-platform object relational database for Java. For beginners it is a complete development environment for writing database applications in Java without reading a manual. For experts it is a tool for developing distributed client/server groupware in Java (TM). [Open Source, GPL]